I upgraded yesterday a cluster of ISPConfig servers, ISPConfig was 3.2.9p1 and master and slaves are now upgraded to 3.2.11. However, on one slave the ISPConfig Panel Monitor tab System state overview keeps displaying version as 3.2.9p1. Yesterday I set refresh to 5 minutes, checked with ispconfig_update.sh that slave is already updated to latest and waited overnight. No change. On this problem slave first run of ispconfig_update.sh failed because fail2ban had on this slave banned the ISPConfig master IP, and update was stuck at trying to connect to database for reconfigure permissions. So I did Control-C to fix issue and started update again, and it worked. Where is Monitor getting the ispconfig version running on slave? Can I fix that or just wait until next ISPConfig update when this maybe fixes itself?
Seems waiting overnight is not enough. After 24 hours the version number was correct. So the problem solved itself given enough time.