Passing arguments to program bundled w/ ISPConfig (i.e. PHP)

Discussion in 'Feature Requests' started by eKg, May 11, 2006.

  1. eKg

    eKg New Member


    I was wondering if it's possable to pass any arguments to the configure script for PHP. What I am looking for is this...

    After extracting ISPConfig and starting the setup script it automaticly extracts PHP and starts to build it.

    I wanted to pass the --enable-pspell to the configure script for PHP. I know I can download and install PHP on my own, but I think it would be better to stick with the PHP thats bundled w/ ISPConfig.

    Is it possable for you to add an option to the setup script in future releases...

    i.e. start setup and you get something like this...

    Do you want to pass any special arguments to the bundeled software? [y/N]

    (if 'Y')

    Which bunbled software?

    1) Apache2
    2) PHP
    3) ...

    I tried to force the --enable-pspell option using this...

    cd to the php dir..
    mv configure configure-
    created a new file named 'configure' with the following contents
    ./configure- --enable-pspell
    chmod configure u+x

    Everything was working fine, until I got a message like this:

    "The PHP binary coming with ISPConfig does not work properly on your system! The installation routine stops here!"

    Any ideas..?

    Thank you in advance
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The PHP bundled with ISPConfig is only used on the webserver on port 81 for administration purposes. ISPConfig is not a bundled package like Xampp! The ISPConfig PHP is noz used not on your main webserver. To have pspell in the PHP of your webserver, just install the pspell PHP module that comes with your linux distribution.
  3. eKg

    eKg New Member

    Thanks for the info Till!

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