How can I change the password policy? For an e-mail migration I like to keep the passwords the same and this requires a more relaxed password policy. I've seen that in the file interface/lib/classes/ the policy is checked and in the file interface/lib/classes/ the policy is determined. I've created the file with the following content: PHP: <?php$conf['misc']['min_password_length'] = 7;$conf['min_password_length'] = 7;$conf['misc']['min_password_strength'] = 2;$conf['min_password_strength'] = 2;?> But that didn't change anything, the message I've got remained the same: "The chosen password does not match the security guidelines. It has to be at least 8 chars in length and have a strength of "Good"." I've also added in security/security_settings.ini the following section: Code: [misc] min_password_length=7 min_password_strength=2 With no change. Remains my question, what settings do I need to change without modifying the code to get a more relaxed password policy. Thanks in advance.