Passwords for Squirrelmail & FTP

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by Al1937, Jan 29, 2010.

  1. Al1937

    Al1937 New Member

    I just installed Ubantu 9.10.
    Where do I find/create passwords for Squirrelmail and FTP?
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    You entered them yourself as you created the email and FTP users, so you should know them.
  3. Al1937

    Al1937 New Member

    Password for Squirrelmail and FTP do not work.

    Thank you.

    I used the same ID and PW for Squirrelmail and FTP that I use to logon to the server.
    Using these for FTP "seems" to work. I am in a "/" directory with nothing, blank, listed on the right side of FTP screen.
    I have closed and re-connected several times. Each time I get a message "Could not open data connection to port 50021, Connection refused".and the port number is incremented by one.

    Using the same ID and PW for Squirrelmail does not work.

    I have not done anything with ISPconfig3 yet.
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2010
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    You are posting here in the ispconfig 2 forum and not ispconfig 3 forum. ISPConfig 3 is a completely different software then ispconfig 2 an dthe user management is also differently for ftp and email users then in ispconfig 2.

    This will not work in ispconfig 2 or 3 of course, as thats the controlpanel login. If you need an FTP or email account, create it and use the login details of the FTP account to login to FTP and the email account details to login for email.
  5. Al1937

    Al1937 New Member

    OK- Sounds right--Now how do I create a FTP account and Squirrelmail account
    for my server EX:
    I am a complete new at this and need help.
  6. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    FTP user:

    Click on sites > FTP User, then on add FTP User, enter username and password and click on save.


    Email > Email Mailbox > Add new mailbox then enter the email address details and click on save.

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