Pci to serial boards. Your advices please

Discussion in 'Technical' started by Camomille, Aug 31, 2008.

  1. Camomille

    Camomille Member


    I need 4 (or more !) serial ports running on a host and Virtual machines.
    There is actually a "4 ports Serial controller: NetMos Technology PCI 9845 Multi-I/O Controller (rev 01) " running " almost good" on a Suse 10.2 host.

    I have found a Moxa Smartio 8-Port Serial Card C168H/PCI on eBay but have not installed it yet!

    Does anyone have some experience with these cards or can recommend a 100% linux compatible pci to serial card.

    Great thanks for your helpfull comments.

  2. Camomille

    Camomille Member


    I followed instructions given by Moxa on a fresh & clean installed Fedora 9 machine.

    All 8 serial ports ttyM0 to ttyM7 are now running fine.

    Greetings to all.


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