Hi! First of all I'd like to express my gratitude to the developers for a very nice controlpanel. We are using ISPConfig in production with about 70 sites on one server, and things Just Work ™. Even the sun has it's flaws though, and i have one issue that is most annoying. Whenever a user or website is nearing the quota limit an e-mail is sent to the administrator (me). The problem is that i can't really do much about that, except nag the user manually, and if no action is taken within reasonable time, i could lock them out to get their attention. This could get very timeconsuming as the user count rises. Thankfully most of our users use pop3, so the issue isn't as bad as it could have been. If you think about it, I guess I'm really lucky there aren't more than the occasional user who keep bending their limits. IMHO the user should be the one to get the notification in the first place, since it's not really the admins problem (right?). Even better would be to keep track of the number of notifications ignored, and take action based on some rule if the number rises above X. E.g after 10 notifications, notify admin and block account login. I know i can change the percentage at which the notifications occur, but it doesn't really solve the problem. Maybe this is fixed in upcoming version 3? It would definitely increase motivation for a migration for me. I guess i could turn of notifications too, but then things would soon go wild, so that's no good either. Kind regards Andras Wettergren RFK Informationsteknik AB
+1 on this. We are also looking for this functionality. Any word on when (or if) it will be available? Thanks, Jon
Great idea. I have created a feature request for v3: http://bugtracker.ispconfig.org/index.php?do=details&task_id=346