perfect fedora 10 - MyDNS vs PowerDNS

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by robertlouwen, Apr 14, 2009.

  1. robertlouwen

    robertlouwen New Member


    This is a easy one.

    I want to setup a perfect Fedora 10 ISPConfig3 server so i will follow the tut. but I am wondering : can I skip the MyDNS part because I want PowerDNS with PowerAdmin.
    Or ... can I combine this tut. with this one: "Installing MyDNS And The MyDNSConfig Control Panel On Fedora 8"

    A other small question: can I replace:

    so that I can have the latest release ? Or am I getting myself into troubles ?
    ( I know it takes more time to check for every "wget" in the tut. if there is a new release But I have plenty of time )

    With respect, Robert
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Yes, but make sure you install ISPConfig 3 in expert mode.

    MyDNSConfig is part of ISPConfig 3, so this doesn't make sense. ;)


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