Perfect Install - Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper Questions

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by Anim, Jun 5, 2006.

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  1. Anim

    Anim New Member


    Just going through the guide now and have a few (newbie) questions...

    1. The partition screenshots don't show the actual partitions you have chosen, or at least I dont think it does as it says Partition #1 and Partition #5 but Partitions 2,3 and 4 aren't visible. In the previous version guide you used /var / and boot. Is this now not required in Ubuntu version 6?

    2. on Page 3 you setup a root account but Ubuntu recommends using sudo for root operations instead. Also, I discovered that doing "sudo bash" would stop it asking for passwords. So, is creating a "root" account required? And if so then is it possible to delete the "admin" account setup previously as we would have two accounts with root access?

    3. on Page 3 when editing /etc/network/interfaces
    You have listed "network" and "broadcast" IP addresses. Are these needed here if not running the server as a DHCP server?

    4. Still on Page 3, when editing the hosts file what does... localhost.localdomain localhost, why add localdomain here?

    Using this method I couldn't get "hostname" to display my full hostname, even after re-booting. However, hostname -f worked.

    To fix this I reverted to the Badger guide that said enter:
    echo > /etc/hostname
    /bin/hostname -F /etc/hostname

    I also noticed that you omitted the alias "server1" from the IP in
    hosts in the 6.06 guide compared to the badger guide. I also omitted the servername from localhost in this setup.

    5. When we edit vi /etc/fstab and add usrquota and grpquota to the mount points why do we add quota to "/", I thought that "/" is for the OS and that "/var" is for user data. Wouldn't it be quicker just to use quota on "/var" ?

    6. on Page 5 when doing the "dpkg-reconfigure postfix" command and getting to the point that says
    Other destinations to accept mail for? (blank for none) <--,, localhost

    On my setup there are two commas before localhost as in,, , localhost

    Was something removed there by the OS? Is it meant to be there? For my install I removed the additional comma.

    7. Page 6. proFTPd setup refers to the link
    ....which doesn't work (or didnt for me).

    However this one does

    8. Page 6, Instead of using Webalizer can we use instead? I only ask as Webalizer seems quite old that hasnt been updated in several years.

    9. The final stage is getting ISPConfig but the instructions kind of end here. I did the following from the command line...

    1. Change to tmp folder
    cd /tmp

    2. Download ispconfig (got UK location from ispconfig website)

    Now you can follow the instructions from: lower down the page under the "installation" heading


    I discoverd that using "nano" instead of "vi" was an easier editor (from a windows users point of view) to use.

  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    I've chosen to let the Ubuntu installer do the partitioning, and by default it creates a / and a swap partition. Of course you can choose any other partitioning scheme, as Till did in the Ubuntu 5.10 tutorial. For the tutorial it's not really important.

    I highly recommend to create a root account. Of course, you can use sudo, but I don't like that. I wouldn't delete admin - admin is not a second root account, it's a normal user account.

    I've never tried without the network and broadcast addresses. Just leave them in there.

    Many programs refer to localhost.localdomain instead of just localhost, that's why I added it there.

    If you created a /var partition, then you can add that to /var. But in my guide I don't have a /var partition, that's why I add it to /.

    I also had this additional comma, it's a bug. I removed it, and you should, too.

    I'll correct that...

    AWStats doesn't integrate into ISPConfig. If webalizer is quite old, this can also mean it's so good it doesn't need to be updated... :D
  3. Anim

    Anim New Member

    Wow, fast response, cheers for the replies.

  4. graveman

    graveman New Member


    also having a little bit of trouble getting this point to work.

    but they don't show the same???
  5. Anim

    Anim New Member

    Graveman, the badger guide solved that bit for me, see my comment about it in this thread. No idea why the new method doesnt work tho.

  6. graveman

    graveman New Member

    i tryed that
    results are
    hostname -f unknown host
  7. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Did you reboot?
    Anyway, the result you get is ok, you can move on. :)
  8. graveman

    graveman New Member

    finished the howto...
    and every things working perfectly..
    thank 4 the great howto:) :) :)
  9. leetcharmer

    leetcharmer New Member

    So, can I use something else for the domain other than Everywhere I go, everyone uses Does the domain name matter? Is it linked to an actual website? How does that work?
  10. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    You must use a host and domainname, that has a DNS A-Record pointing to your server.
  11. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff is just an example, a placeholder for your domain.
  12. leetcharmer

    leetcharmer New Member

    my hostname can be made up I think: So I've chosen "server"

    now, for domain -- how do I know what to put here? If I ping myself, I get my IP's domain name, should that go here? -- I've bought a web address domain, can I put that there?
  13. Anim

    Anim New Member

    I was in the same boat.

    My server is on my home lan (while I set it up) but I had a few registered domains also. The company who I had domains with allowed me to change the DNS records using their control panel so I could point it to my routers IP address. This isn't a great option because if you have a dynamic IP address on your router then you will keep having to update your online DNS records to point to the new IP address of your router if you ever reboot it.

    So for hostname i gave mine a planet name e.g. "Mars" for me the hostname identifies the computer hence why Server1, Server2 could also be used if you have more than one server.

    The domain is your actual domain so that would be, if you purchased for example, enter that as your domain name.

    After its all up and running on your local lan you can then goto your hosting company who have your domain and (hopefully) they will allow you to manage the zone record on their servers. You then just point your www, ftp etc to your router IP address.

    Then put your server in the DMZ via your routers settings so its in front of the firewall, not behind it. Alternativly leave it behind the routers firewall and open up all the ports 80, 21, 443 etc to your server.

    This is all for testing on a home/work lan before taking the machine to a data center with a static IP address etc.

  14. leetcharmer

    leetcharmer New Member

    Thanks, that's exactly what I needed to know! I have bought as a domain, and it's currently being hosted by So, I'll just point DNS to my IP I guess, and I'll make the server's domain name Hostname: server. Does this all look correct? Thanks again!
  15. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Looks fine. But you will also have to create a A-Record for pointing to your server IP.
  16. Anim

    Anim New Member

    I never did that. what would use that?

  17. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Normally, every server has a "technical" domain that is used to connect to the server itself and that is not used as email domain or apache vhost to prevent problems with postfix.

    Means, if you want to make a website in ISPConfig, the main domain of the server shall not be You can use e.g., or something similar instead.
  18. leetcharmer

    leetcharmer New Member

    What's an A-Record?
  19. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

  20. leetcharmer

    leetcharmer New Member

    does ISPConfig configure my DNS stuff for me? I've made it that far :D.
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