Perfect Server / Desktop Combo

Discussion in 'Suggest HOWTO' started by progkix, May 14, 2008.

  1. progkix

    progkix New Member

    I'd like to see a Perfect Serve / Desktop Combo How-To using the Slackware 12.1.

    There's an older Perfect Desktop - Slackware 12.0 that would probably get half of the combo but I'd really like the Server part similar to the other Server how-tos.


  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    The problem is that ISPConfig doesn't support Slackware, and none of our internal writers has experience with Slackware. So if there's someone with Slackware knowledge and wants to write a tutorial, it would be great if you could contribute it. :)

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