Perfect Server - Gentoo 2007.0

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by marky, Jan 31, 2009.

  1. marky

    marky New Member

    I am new here so Hello to everyone in this community.
    I have used the awesome Perfect Server - Gentoo 2007.0
    tutorial for bringing up my local test server (for testing purposes
    of web pages I do for the living).
    And I did use newest Gentoo available (2008.0), the
    Stage 3 install-cd of course.
    I did _everything_ exactly the same way as this tutorial says.
    (hmmm, except that I'm using wireless usb dongle,
    but that is not the issue here).
    And everything went very well until I got stuck on Page 4,
    paragraph 11 MySQL where I got such errors

    I had to press ctrl+C here because * Stopping the server ... was everlasting. Then I did:

    Can Anyone of You could help me please with this ? :)
    I really have no idea what to do.
    Best regards
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Unfortunately I'm no Gentoo expert... :(
  3. marky

    marky New Member

    Are You the Only JediMaster in this community ;-) ??
    By the way I'm over that issue now, I've managed to
    push things forward (to the next issue of course :D )
    Best regards
  4. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    No, but sometimes noone knows the answer. That happens from time to time. ;)
  5. marsello

    marsello New Member

    if any1 have same error

    hey there
    you see.. linux allways talk with you :)

    he say:
    * You have already a MySQL database in place.
    * (///var/lib/mysql/*)
    * Please rename or delete it if you wish to replace it.

    so he mean's that in u're directory /var/lib/mysql/ you ALREADY have some database...
    so just do rm -rf /var/lib/mysql/*
    and try again :)

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