perfect server Ubuntu 10.04 ISPconfig3

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by beezer1424, May 28, 2010.

  1. beezer1424

    beezer1424 New Member

    Are the instructions for the perfectc server 10.04 ISPconfig3 missing alot of installation instructions? Shouldn't bind9 be configured? Compare 10.04 ISpconfig2 and there are a lot of differences, some I would expect, but then again I am no expert. I will say this after I follwed the instruction in 10.04 ISPconfig3 i had no bind dns server running!

    please provide some clarification.. thanks
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer



    The complete server gets configured by the ispconfig 3 installer while you had to do this manually in ispconfig 2. Thats the difference between the way ispconfig 2 and 3 are installed and also the reason why you dont have to configure the software manually in the ispconfig 3 guide.

    Create a new dns zone in the ispconfig 3 dns manager.

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