I have setup ISPconfig.. created a site... I uploaded Wordpress via FireFTP.. when I tried configuring Wordpress (creation of config.php), I got this error Any idea how to fix this... I checked the file permission on the /web folder and it's 775.
Are you using some kind of web-based installer? In that case you must use 777 permissions or chwon the folder to the Apache user (www-data on Debian/Ubuntu).
I see.. cause the current ownership of the folder is with the web#_user that was created by ISPconfig.... I'll change the ownership then... giving 777 permission is a bit risky... thanks..
The only alternative is to use suphp as the mod_php that you currently use does not support scripts to be run under different users. There is a ispconfig with suphp tutorial here on howtoforge that explains the installation.
Thanks till, will check on that also... I am starting to get a hang of ISPconfig... it becomes clearer as I go by...