Permissions Problem

Discussion in 'General' started by zimele, Nov 14, 2006.

  1. zimele

    zimele New Member

    Hi Guys

    I am Running ISPCONFIG 2.2.3 on an Ubuntu Server and i Have a small problem after ftping a site onto the server when i finish uploading it when i try to access the url that is supposed to have my index page i get an 403 forbidden but when i try to go to a different page within the site like maybe about us eg. it resolves fine!!! what to do?
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2006
  2. fobicodam

    fobicodam New Member

    Check if you have a index.html, index.htm or index.php file. Thats the filename apache uses as default.
  3. zimele

    zimele New Member

    Index.htm is my home page!
  4. fobicodam

    fobicodam New Member

    Check your spell, Linux is case sensitive, Index.htm is not index.htm.
  5. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    fobicodam is right, please rename Index.htm to index.htm.
  6. zimele

    zimele New Member

    Thanks alot!!

    :) thanks guys that did the trick!!!! :)

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