Persistently change ISPConfig server plugin

Discussion in 'ISPConfig 3 Priority Support' started by HSorgYves, Sep 11, 2023.

  1. HSorgYves

    HSorgYves Active Member HowtoForge Supporter

    I know that for conf, we have conf-custom to change the templates, both for installation/update and running. Is there a similar way for server plugin files or other ISPConfig core components?
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    You'll have to write your own plugin (or modify an existing ISPConfig plugin) and use a different name. Then disable the ispconfig default plugin by deleting its symlink in plugins-enabled folder and add a symlink for your plugin instead.

    ISPConfig server plugins are event-based, you can have as many plugins bind to the same events as you like. So e.g. when you want to have a plugin that adds some folders to a website after it has been created, create a plugin like, add some code to bind a function to the website update event (see existing apache plugin for an example) and in this function do whatever you like to do. using something like x_ in the name ensures that it is loaded at the end (sorted alphabetically) so your code is always executed after the website has been created.
    HSorgYves likes this.

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