Phamm errors Ubuntu 14.04

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by luksch, Dec 14, 2014.

  1. luksch

    luksch New Member


    thanks for the great tutorial called Postfix Virtual Hosting With LDAP Backend And With Dovecot As IMAP/POP3 Server On Ubuntu Trusty Tahr 14.04.

    Having strictly followed the instructions I am facing a serious issue now. Although Phamm (version 0.6.2) allows me to login via the Phamm LDAP user or via the LDAP administrator it only allows me to select a language and to logout. However, I've successfully imported the additional LDAP schemes (Jxplorer shows them under cn=scheme, cn=config), both Postfix and Dovecot start without errors or warnings using the LDAP configuration and I think I've installed all required PHP packages (I've followed the guide explaining how to set up Lighttpd with PHP5-FPM on Ubuntu 14.04).

    Here is my "global" configuration:

    Base DN: dc=hakwaidhofen-ybbs,dc=ac,dc=at
    LDAP administrator: cn=admin,dc=hakwaidhofen-ybbs,dc=ac,dc=at
    DN for the virtual users: o=email,dc=hakwaidhofen-ybbs,dc=ac,dc=at
    LDAP Phamm user: cn=phamm,o=email,dc=hakwaidhofen-ybbs,dc=ac,dc=at
    Virtual mail system user: vmail (UID=1002, GID=1002) /* I've taken care of the different UID and GID*/

    You can see my Phamm configuration down below:

    * The main Phamm config file
    * @package Phamm
    * @subpackage configuration
    * @author Alessandro De Zorzi <adezorzi AT rhx DOT it>

    // *============================*
    // *=== LDAP Server Settings ===*
    // *============================*

    // The server address (To use ldapssl change to ldaps://localhost)
    define ('LDAP_HOST_NAME','');

    // The protocol version [2,3]
    define ('LDAP_PROTOCOL_VERSION','3');

    // The server port (To use ldapssl change to 636)
    define ('LDAP_PORT','389');

    // Set LDAP_TLS to 1 if you want to use TLS
    define ('LDAP_TLS',0);

    // The container
    define ('SUFFIX','dc=hakwaidhofen-ybbs,dc=ac,dc=at');

    // The admin bind dn (could be rootdn)
    define ('BINDDN','cn=admin,dc=hakwaidhofen-ybbs,dc=ac,dc=at');

    // The Phamm container
    define ('LDAP_BASE','o=email,dc=hakwaidhofen-ybbs,dc=ac,dc=at');

    // *============================*
    // *=== Layout Settings ===*
    // *============================*

    // Page title

    // URL

    // Logo
    define('ORG_LOGO', './img/phamm_logo.svg');

    // CSS Style
    $style = 'phamm';

    // Default language
    define ('DEFAULT_LANGUAGE','en_GB');

    // The languages available
    $supported_languages = array();
    $supported_languages["de_DE"] = "Deutsch";
    $supported_languages["en_GB"] = "English";
    $supported_languages["es_ES"] = "Español";
    $supported_languages["fr_FR"] = "French";
    $supported_languages["hu_HU"] = "Hungarian";
    $supported_languages["it_IT"] = "Italiano";
    $supported_languages["pl_PL"] = "Polish";
    $supported_languages["ru_RU"] = "Russian";
    $supported_languages["vi_VN"] = "Tiếng Việt"; // Vietnamese
    $supported_languages["da_DK"] = "Dansk"; // Danish
    $supported_languages["pt_BR"] = "Portuguese";
    // $supported_languages["ll_CC"] = "Your language here";

    // This TLDs menu
    $tld = array();
    $tld[] = ".com";
    $tld[] = "";
    $tld[] = ".at";
    $tld[] = ".org";
    $tld[] = ".net";
    // $tld[] = ".biz";
    // $tld[] = ".info";
    // $tld[] = ".eu";
    // $tld[] = ".it";
    // $tld[] = ".fr";
    // $tld[] = ".de";

    // *============================*
    // *=== Plugins Settings ===*
    // *============================*

    // The default plugin
    define ('DEFAULT_PLUGIN','mail');

    // This array contains the active plugins
    // NOTE the display order reflect this order
    $plugins = array();
    $plugins[] = "mail";
    $plugins[] = "alias";
    //$plugins[] = "dns";
    //$plugins[] = "ftp";
    //$plugins[] = "proxy";
    //$plugins[] = "radius";
    //$plugins[] = "radius_stats";
    //$plugins[] = "rates";
    $plugins[] = "person";
    //$plugins[] = "jabber";
    //$plugins[] = "davical";

    // Account can be mail OR alias
    $plugins_exclusion = array("mail","alias");

    // *============================*
    // *=== System Settings ===*
    // *============================*

    // Phamm Version (+ indicate a SVN version)
    define ('VERSION','0.6.2');

    // Useful if you want hide the version [0,1]
    define ('HIDE_VERSION',0);

    // Useful if you wish force SSL through PHP [0,1]
    define ('FORCE_SSL',0);

    // Min password length
    define ('PASSWORD_MIN_LENGHT',3);

    // Seconds after refresh page
    define ('REFRESH_TIME',1);

    // A Domain administrator (example: postmaster)
    define ('PHAMM_DOMAIN_ADMIN_NAME','postmaster');

    // Welcome message
    define ('SEND_WELCOME',1);
    $welcome_msg = '../welcome_message.txt';
    $welcome_subject = 'Welcome!';
    # $welcome_sender = 'postmaster@localhost';
    $welcome_bcc = 'postmaster@localhost';

    // *============================*
    // *=== Advanced Settings ===*
    // *============================*

    // Debug level [0,1]
    define ('DEBUG',0);

    // PHP Error Level [0,1,2,10]
    define ('ERROR_LEVEL',2);

    // Log level 0->don't log [0,1,2]
    define ('PHAMM_LOG',0);

    // Log file path
    define ('LOG_FILE','/var/log/phamm.log');

    // Standard LDAP encryption type [CRYPT,MD5,CLEAR]
    define ('ENC_TYPE','MD5');

    // Phamm autogenerate UID from e-mail
    // set char used instead @ (default=.)
    // i.e. [email protected] produce
    define ('CHR_UID_ACCOUNT','.');

    // Permit login without @domain (use it with carefull)
    // define ('DEFAULT_DOMAIN','example.tld');

    Here is my mail plug-in configuration file:

    cat mail.xml
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
    <!DOCTYPE plugin SYSTEM "">

    <plugin name="mail">
    <firstName>Alessandro De Zorzi</firstName>
    <lastName>De Zorzi</lastName>
    <mail>[email protected]</mail>
    <shortDescription>Plugin to manage Virtual Domain, e-mail account and aliases</shortDescription>
    <longDescription>Plugin to manage Virtual Domain, e-mail account and aliases</longDescription>

    <attribute name="maxMail">
    <prettyName>Max number of Mail</prettyName>
    <attribute name="maxAlias">
    <prettyName>Max number of Alias</prettyName>
    <attribute name="maxQuota">
    <prettyName>Max Quota</prettyName>
    <attribute name="accountActive">
    <attribute name="editAV">
    <prettyName>Can edit Anti-Virus</prettyName>
    <attribute name="delete">
    <attribute name="postfixTransport">
    <prettyName>Postfix Transport</prettyName>

    <attribute name="editAccounts">
    <prettyName>Can edit Accounts</prettyName>

    <objectClass name="VirtualMailAccount">
    <objectClass name="Vacation">
    <objectClass name="VirtualForward">
    <objectClass name="amavisAccount">
    <attribute name="smtpAuth">
    <prettyName>SMTP Auth</prettyName>
    <attribute name="quota">
    <attribute name="accountActive">
    <attribute name="vdHome">
    <prettyName>Virtual Home</prettyName>
    <attribute name="mailbox">
    <attribute name="uid">
    <attribute name="mailAutoreply">
    <prettyName>Mail Autoreply</prettyName>
    <attribute name="delete">
    <attribute name="otherTransport">
    <prettyName>Other Transport</prettyName>
    <attribute name="vacationActive">
    <attribute name="vacationInfo">
    <prettyName>Vacation Info</prettyName>
    <attribute name="vacationForward">
    <prettyName>Vacation Forward</prettyName>
    <attribute name="vacationStart">
    <prettyName>Vacation Start</prettyName>
    <attribute name="vacationEnd">
    <prettyName>Vacation End</prettyName>
    <attribute name="forwardActive">
    <prettyName>Forward Active</prettyName>
    <attribute name="maildrop">
    <attribute name="amavisBypassVirusChecks">
    <prettyName>Virus Check</prettyName>
    <attribute name="amavisBypassSpamChecks">
    <prettyName>SPAM Check</prettyName>
    <attribute name="amavisSpamKillLevel">
    <prettyName>Spam Kill Level</prettyName>
    <option name="low">
    <option name="medium">
    <option name="high">
    <option name="very_high">
    <attribute name="amavisSpamTag2Level">
    <prettyName>Spam Tag2 Level</prettyName>
    <option name="low">
    <option name="medium">
    <option name="high">
    <option name="very_high">
    <attribute name="amavisSpamTagLevel">
    <prettyName>Spam Tag Level</prettyName>
    <option name="low">
    <option name="medium">
    <option name="high">
    <option name="very_high">
    <attribute name="creationDate">
    <prettyName>Creation Date</prettyName>
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2014

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