I am running around 30 web sites on an ISPConfig machine. The system is also providing DNS (thorugh ISPConfig). I recently removed an old site, and ever since, each time I add a site or make a change to an existing site through ISPConfig, DNS will fail to restart. The first time this happened, it took me a while to figure out what was causing the problem, but eventually I noticed that named.conf still had an entry for the old site: Code: zone "sneakyolddomain.com" { [INDENT]type master; file "pri.sneakyolddomain.com"; allow-query{"any";};[/INDENT] }; but that the zonefile listed ("pri.sneakyolddomain.com") no longer existed. I deleted the entry in named.conf manually, then restarted DNS with /etc/init.d/named restart Everything worked fine, until the next time I added a new domain through ISPConfig. Once again DNS failed to restart. I checked named.conf and sure enough the entry for sneakyolddomain.com was back ... This has reoccurred many times now, and I have gotten used to manually editing named.conf and restarting, but I would love a way to fix this. Can anyone tell me where the sneakyolddomain.com entry in named.conf is coming from? Thanks in advance
check Recycle Bin ... all of them! you can always try to search in ISPConfig SQL base for string: pri.sneakyolddomain.com then you can backup that base, try to delete all records with that string and see if everthing works. If not you have base backup. Nevertheless manual changes to ISPConfig database are nor recomended.
Thanks for replying Thanks for the response _X_ I checked the recycle bins ... no love there. I haven't made any manual changes to the database, although I will try that later ... at our next scheduled downtime period. I did however look around the database a little and found sneakyolddomain.com has a row hiding in the dns_isp_dns, dns_nodes table. Anyone have any insight on what other relationally referenced rows might need to be removed?
well that's question for Till or Falco ... did you try to check, repair, optimise database from ISPConfig admin? after that search again for same domain in database.
I just wanted to give an update. This problem is still unresolved. I have now tried checking / repairing / optimising the database from the ISPConfig admin. No errors were encountered, but the sneakyolddomain is still present in rows of the dns_nodes and dns_isp_dns tables. Does anyone have any guidance about manually excising these entries from the database? Are there other entries that need to be removed as well? Is this really the source of the problem, or am I barking up a wrong tree? Thanks in advance for any insights...
If you want to remove it from the database, make a backup first, and then remove the records from dns_isp_dns, dns_nodes, and dns_dep.