Hi all, Looking for some advice. I followed this old howto (below, since the forum won't let me link it at the moment), which has worked in the past on previous ISPConfig servers I've configured. But the new twist is PHP 8.x, which it appears Horde really does not like. https:// www . howtoforge . com / tutorial / install-horde-5-webmail-for-ispconfig-on-debian-jessie/ If you go through that howto, you'll see that you place a file called horde.conf in /etc/apache2/conf-available. I've always had to tweak this file a little bit to get it to work successfully with Act***Syn*, but if I compare it against a server I already have running, I get it right. My question is, is there a format for a conf file that will cause that particular application (in this case Horde, but it could be anything - phpmyadmin, roundcube, squirrelmail, etc.) to use PHP 7.x instead of PHP 8.x? If so, would someone help me out with how to do that? Oh, let me proactively answer a question: Q: Why not just use Roundcube? A: Because Horde supports that protocol I mentioned above and put some asterisks through, which makes it a snap for your average, everyday user to set it up on their phone or their computer. It automatically provides calendar and contact support with sync, which Roundcube does not do out of the box. So, that's the answer to that one. Thank you, in advance!
It's possible to modifiy the horde conf to use a different PHP version but that alone won't be enough because Horde relies heavily on its PHP Pear packages that are installed only for the currently running PHP version. At least that's the way how it was installed in the past. While googling I've found a website where one did install horde via composer, so for new setups this might the way to go. btw, I didn't try it myself yet (also horde user on PHP 7.4) but as far as I could see is that Horde should be compatible to PHP 8, or at least in a near-production ready state today. Did you try running Horde on PHP 8 already? Of course make sure that Horde is up-to-date.
As a follow up to this, I solved this by creating a new site that is a subdomain (mail.domain.com) of the main site, and setting the settings for the site to PHP 7.4 with Fast-CGI. This allowed horde to work under /var/www/mail.domain.com/web.