PHP error I guess.

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by rlischer, Aug 5, 2009.

  1. rlischer

    rlischer Member

    I set up a new site, uploaded a PHP call center app to a sub folder via FTP as that user. All the PHP resides in "calls" folder. I point my browser to it finds index.php, lets me log in so it reads database just fine, but all the links in the PHP app are broken for some reason. Log file is below. "user-show-leads" is not the name of a file, but code that works on any other server.

    Any ideas on what might be broken? Thanks!

    [Wed Aug 05 16:50:22 2009] [error] [client] File does not exist: /var/www/clients/client3/web5/web/calls/user-show-leads, referer:
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Most likely a .htaccess file is missing. You should contact the developers of this software and ask them how to fix the error.
  3. rlischer

    rlischer Member

    I erased the .htaccess file, it was keeping me from accessing the folder at all. It was uploaded via FTP from the working site. Do I need this file? Can I make a new .htaccess file?
  4. rlischer

    rlischer Member

    I moved all the .php files to the web folder that does have a .htaccess file and still get the same errors. Not sure if this would matter or not.
  5. rlischer

    rlischer Member

    till, I spoke to developer. he said:

    "The application uses mod_rewrite feature of the Apache server. The error you receive is because the feature is NOT available (or disabled)."

    Does this sound like something I am missing?
  6. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    mod_rewrite is always enabled by default in every ispconfig installation when you followed the perfect setup guide to install ispconfig.
  7. rlischer

    rlischer Member

    You are correct, it is in my httpd.conf as being loaded. So now I have no idea why it thinks the code is a URL to a file, when there is no such file.
  8. rlischer

    rlischer Member

    Anyone have any other ideas as to why .php code that works on two other servers running cPanel would not execute properly on my server running centoOS 5.3, ISPConfig 3? I deleted the site and started again from scatch and still get same outcome.

    All the buttons on the page with PHP behind them get me page not found.
    But it works enough for me to get logged into the site and see the things. So php/mysql does work except for some path/permission problem.

    Thanks :eek:
  9. rlischer

    rlischer Member

    I also added this into the apache directives of the site. This came from a working .htaccess file from my other site. Still get page not found!

    Options Indexes +FollowSymLinks  
    RewriteRule admin[_-](.*)$ admin.php?action=$1
    RewriteRule user[_-](.*)$ manage.php?action=$1
  10. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Only options lines are not allowed in .htaccess files. So move the line "Options Indexes +FollowSymLinks " to the apache directives field of the website and leave the other lines in the .htaccess file.
  11. rlischer

    rlischer Member

    til, you nailed it man! Thanks a ton! This has been driving me nuts for a week.

    Thanks so much!


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