I have tried relentlessly to turn on php error reporting to no avail. Enabled in code, and any php.ini I could find. Running ispconfig 3.1 on buster. PHP-fpm ondemand. Any thoughts?
Use Internet Search Engines with Code: site:howtoforge.com turn on php error reporting https://www.howtoforge.com/community/threads/please-read-before-posting.58408/
You are running ISPConfig 3.2. I would upgrade to ISPConfig 3.2.1, it fixed quite some errors. May not help with getting PHP reporting errors, though.
I have updated ISPconfig I dont quite understand what you mean by "bind mount" but if you can explain what you mean. Im interested to learn and I will check it. Lastly, Does anyone have a snippet of buggy php code so I can test if its sending errors.