...I am trying to create a form when hitting submit, it emails the contents of the form to me. I am using a php script called Jack's Formmail....is that good or bad?? Not sure, but I've had it working on other webservers....My problem is, when I hit submit.......It sends me an email from '[email protected]' , and not from [email protected] like I have set in my php script. Also, it doesn't email the contents of the form either. do I need to store php scripts somewhere other than my /web1/web folder for this to work? Any ideas would be helpful.. Thanks again.
I guess it has something to do with register_globals in PHP: http://www.howtoforge.com/forums/showthread.php?t=87
ok...i turned register_globals to on. Now the redirect works, and the email I get has the correct sent from.....ie> [email protected], but the email is still blank. Doesn't send my form data. Any suggestions?
I recommend to use another formmail script that does not require register_globals = on, because this setting might be a security risk.