Hi all, In order to reduce CPU load on my servers, I wanted to change from Fastcgi to PHP-FPM in order to limit number of CGI processes being executed. (35 websites on a server) But when I change that parameter in a website, it instantly shows PHP source code ? Does anyone have an explanation ? ISPConfig, Wheezy Thank you.
Check that apache mod_fastcgi (dont mix up with mod_fcgi) is installed and enabled and php-fpm must be installed as well. see php-fpm install chapter of the wheezy perfect server guide
Thanks, perfect. Exactly ! Here is how I could switch to php-fpm : Add non-free debian repository to apt apt-get update && apt-get upgrade apt-get install libapache2-mod-fastcgi a2enmod fastcgi service apache2 restart and everything went fine (php5-fpm was already installed) Thank you!