Hello, If I change Fast-CGI+SuEXEC to PHP-FPM+SuEXEC I get this Internal server error: [error] SecurityException in Application.cpp:496: Handler not found in configuration, referer: http://domain.tld/ [error] Caused by KeyNotFoundException in Configuration.cpp:234: Handler "application/x-httpd-suphp" not found, referer: http://domain.tld/ [error] Premature end of script headers: index.php, referer: http://domain.tld/ I tested with several domains/subdomains with the same error. My environment: Debian Wheezy PHP 5.4.45 ISPConfig Any idea? Thanks! Manuel
Please compare your suphp.conf file ithe the one from perfect setup and ensure that the lines that need to be commented out are commented out: https://www.howtoforge.com/perfect-server-debian-wheezy-apache2-bind-dovecot-ispconfig-3-p4
Thanks, Till, I commented these lines when I upgrade from Squeeze to Wheezy. There are any other causes? Regards, Manuel
I did not had this issue a servery et, so I cant you the exact cause. If you dont use suphp (as recommended), then try to disable the suphp module in apache completely: a2dismod suphp and restart apache.
Done. But now, when I change a domain from CGI or Fast-CGI to PHP-FPM, the php file is not executed: I only can view the php code of the file. I tested with static, dynamic and ondemand option, with socket selected and no selected: the same result in all cases. No error logs. Any idea? Thanks
Please rerun the commands from chapter 12 - 12.2 from here https://www.howtoforge.com/perfect-server-debian-wheezy-apache2-bind-dovecot-ispconfig-3-p4 to ensure that all required software is installed.
libapache2-mod-fastcgi and php5-fpm are not installed in my server, so this solves the problem: Code: apt-get update apt-get install libapache2-mod-fastcgi php5-fpm a2enmod actions fastcgi alias service apache2 restart \ ;-) Thank you very much!