PHP & PowerDNS and PowerAdmin on CentOS 5.3

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by need_a_linux_brain, May 1, 2009.

  1. need_a_linux_brain

    need_a_linux_brain New Member

    Hello All,

    Using the "How-To" entitled "Installing PowerDNS (With MySQL Backend) And Poweradmin On CentOS 5.2" (because there wasn't one available here for CentOS 5.3, at least that I could find), I attempted to correctly install PowerAdmin on my CentOS 5.3 dedicated server (which already has a DirectAdmin control panel installed on it and came pre-installed with my Linux distro). But, I couldn't install the several of the PHP packages needed for the PowerAdmin. Here's the output of "yum install":

    No package httpd available.
    No package php available.
    No package php-devel available.
    Package php-gd-5.1.6-23.2.el5_3.i386 installed and not available
    Package php-imap-5.1.6-23.2.el5_3.i386 installed and not available
    No package php-ldap available.
    No package php-mysql available.
    No package php-odbc available.
    No package php-pear available.
    Package php-xml-5.1.6-23.2.el5_3.i386 installed and not available
    No package php-xmlrpc available.
    Package php-mbstring-5.1.6-23.2.el5_3.i386 installed and not available
    No package php-mcrypt available.
    No package php-mhash available.
    Package gettext-0.14.6-4.el5.i386 already installed and latest version
    Nothing to do

    Prior to attempting to install poweradmin (and successfully installing PowerDNS), I also had similar problems attempting to install "mysql". I received the following error: "No package mysql available."

    I tried "yum install -y" and was only able to install several of the required PHP packages because I ran "yum search php" to locate them. When I ran "yum search" for "httpd", I found "system-config-httpd.noarch".

    Just in case you wonder, I ran the "rpm -qa | grep" on php, pdns, poweradmin and hpttd. Nothing was returned for the last two but for the others, here's the output:


    rpm -qa | grep php


    I did some research and found both the latetst PHP and Apache/httpd packages. Since both are tarballs, I used "wget" to download them to my /tmp directory (where the Poweradmin tarball is also located) but wasn't sure how to install them in the context of the tutorial.

    Finally, I couldn't figure out in the tutorial where the instructions for configuring what hostname or server IP I want to use on my server. Are there any special instructions for installing it on a dedicated server?

    Any help or suggestions? Can I even use Poweradmin with CentOS 5.3? (I tried to find documentation saying I couldn't so decided to try.)


  2. Jolman

    Jolman Member

    You must add repositories for yum, example remi(googled)
  3. need_a_linux_brain

    need_a_linux_brain New Member

    Thank you for your response. I appreciate your desire to help me fix this but from what I understand based on the CentOS wiki, "remi" should be used with "extreme caution". I'm concerned about using third part repositories to install packages. I don't have the Linux knowledge to repair a broken OS because I download from the wrong repo. Besides, the "remi" site is in French and, as much as I love the language, I don't read it well. :)

    Any other, more stable suggestions?


  4. Jolman

    Jolman Member

    How about "epel" it may be more appropriate repo.
  5. need_a_linux_brain

    need_a_linux_brain New Member

    Thank you; I'm pretty new at all of this so I did not want to FUBAR my server with unstable packages. So, this was more appropriate and I installed the repo. Then, I ran "yum install httpd php php-devel php-gd php-imap php-ldap php-mysql php-odbc php-pear php-xml php-xmlrpc php-mbstring php-mcrypt php-mhash gettext" and got:

    No package httpd available.
    No package php available.
    No package php-devel available.
    Package php-gd-5.1.6-23.2.el5_3.i386 installed and not available
    Package php-imap-5.1.6-23.2.el5_3.i386 installed and not available
    No package php-ldap available.
    No package php-mysql available.
    No package php-odbc available.
    No package php-pear available.
    Package php-xml-5.1.6-23.2.el5_3.i386 installed and not available
    No package php-xmlrpc available.
    Package php-mbstring-5.1.6-23.2.el5_3.i386 installed and not available
    No package php-mcrypt available.
    No package php-mhash available.
    Package gettext-0.14.6-4.el5.i386 already installed and latest version

    However, I manually installed "httpd" from Apache using the PHP installations instruction (at which time I installed PHP). I installed PHP packages UnixODBC, libmcrypt, openldap, mhash, xmlprc as well as MYSQL and the PostgreSQL Database, using yum.

    I also installed PEAR and the PEAR packages required by the Poweradmin site and made sure everything the site requires for Poweradmin was installed.

    Now, I'm having some challenges checking to see if PEAR works, particularly "Verifying the Include Path" on problem is I'm unsure which directory is the "local web root" on my server, which is offsite.

    I am also unsure where Poweradmin should have be installed--the folder from which I intend to run the program. Should it be in an Apache 2 directory or in /var/www/html where it is located? It's hard to check to see if Poweradmin works without knowing where I should have installed it--under what IP address or server hostname? Since I was installing Poweradmin on a pre-installed CentOS OS, I wasn't able to follow that part of the How-To.

    Also, I don't know where "localhost" is on my server.

    So, if you (or anyone else reading this thread) have any ideas or solutions to these isses, that would be great. I'd really like to get Poweradmin working after all this work.

  6. Jolman

    Jolman Member

    If you not installed a VirtualHost, then you root directory is - "/var/www/html"

    To install Poweradmin do next:

    First disable iptables and selinux !

    cd /var/www/html
    tar xvfz poweradmin-2.1.2.tgz
    touch /var/www/html/poweradmin/inc/
    chown -R apache:apache /var/www/html/poweradmin

    Now open a browser and launch the web-based Poweradmin installer (http://localhost/poweradmin/install)

    Аbove mentioned steps will work if you not install and configure Bind !!!

    loсalhost is constant with the address
  7. need_a_linux_brain

    need_a_linux_brain New Member

    Thank you very much for staying with me on this. I really want to get this working so I truly appreciate your help.

    I did exactly as you instructed and still couldn't get Poweradmin to open in a browser and the browser couldn't open to Poweradmin. I went as far as restarting Apache and clearing the server cache. Still won't load. The following error was returned:


    The requested URL could not be retrieved

    While trying to retrieve the URL:

    The following error was encountered:

    * Connection Failed

    The system returned:

    (110) Connection timed out

    The remote host or network may be down. Please try the request again.

    Your cache administrator is webmaster.

    What I should say is that DirectAdmin, when they installed the control panel, insisted on installing bind. They may have configured it for use with DA. I have not changed the configuration in any way but will if necessary...and if I'm given good instructions. :) (However, I've read that Bind and PowerDNS shouldn't run on the same server. Perhaps I should install PowerDNS and Poweradmin on a virtual server on my dedi?

    Also, while this probably isn't the best idea (since servers go down), can I point it to an IP on my dedi or create a hostname to point it to?

    As for Bind, do you know of a way I can find out how it's configured now? Would error logs tell us why this install isn't working? I can't recall the command that will tell us what process is listening on what port. What command can I run for that? If I remember correctly, httpd was listening on a port other than 80 (as was DA).

    And, now that I've stopped iptables, how do I restart it? I ran "/etc/rc.d/init.d/iptables -restart" and then "/etc/rc.d/init.d/iptables status" and it still wasn't running.

    And, as an aside, what about a real firewall for my server? What's best for Linux CentOS 5.3?

    Thanks for all of your help.

    Last edited: May 3, 2009
  8. Jolman

    Jolman Member

    Do next:

    1. /etc/ini.d/httpd start
    2. /etc/init.d/iptables stop (or "start" options if you want to startup a firewall)
    3. modify file /etc/sysconfig/selinux (SELINUX=disabled)

    Then enter in browser if see blank page, this mean that httpd not started or has a problem. Check whether the Apache server or just reinstall it.

    Check whether Bind is installed if yes - 'yum erase bind'(to remove it), reboot.
    To process listinig - netstate -lput.
  9. need_a_linux_brain

    need_a_linux_brain New Member

    I ran /etc/init.d/httpd start and Apache is already started.

    I then ran /etc/init.d/iptables start and then "/etc/init.d/iptables status" the firewall is still stopped. It looks like a server reboot is in order.

    As I said, SELinux is disabled, apparently by default, in this file.

    I entered into my browser and got an error message. I think the problem is DirectAdmin for both Apache and Bind. They installed both and I can't get access to the settings.

    I'm concerned if I uninstall Bind, it will damage DirectAdmin. I will contact them to see if they've set up the control panel to prevent my using Apache or Bind for any other purpose. If so, then I will have their control panel uninstalled because I don't want them controlling my server that way.

    Thanks for your help.

  10. Jolman

    Jolman Member

    Good luck Sasha !

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