PHP using the --with-pgsql configure

Discussion in 'Programming/Scripts' started by butching, Sep 2, 2006.

  1. butching

    butching New Member

    :( :(
    Does anybody have an idea how to compile phpPgAdmin. i tried to update using the
    update manager in the ispconfig management and the installation was ok..but when i tried to access phpPgAdmin it get this kind of message....

    Your PHP installation does not support PostgreSQL. You need to recompile PHP using the --with-pgsql configure option.

    Please bear with me im am a newbie in linux.. im using fedora core 5

    Last edited: Sep 2, 2006
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Have you installed postgres database, postgres client plus the postgres devel packages before you installed ISPConfig?
  3. butching

    butching New Member

    how do i know if its already installed?:(
    how do i install this postgres database, postgres client and the postgres devel packages...
    can you help me please......:( :(
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2006
  4. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    You can search for available PostgreSQL packages for Fedora Core 5 like this:
    yum search postgresql
  5. butching

    butching New Member

    finished installing postgres database, postgres client, the postgres devel packages etc... how do i compile php?i recieved an error message saying

    Your PHP installation does not support PostgreSQL. You need to recompile PHP using the --with-pgsql configure option

    how do i compile my php?
  6. tijn_tux

    tijn_tux New Member

    Same here,

    did some small research, my situation is a little bit differen.

    Iam Using Debian Sarge (Stable) so PHP5 isnt in the reporsatories (or something like that) to use php with pgsql, you need to install the php5-pgsql wich isnt availeble.

    Is there any way to solve this? i.e using php4 for phppgadmin, or installing the php5-pgsql in stable?

    grtzt tijn
  7. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Do you have ISPConfig installed? If this question is related to ISPConfig:

    Edit install_ispconfig/compile_aps/compile and add --with-pgsql=/path/to/pgsql to the PHP configure string. Replace /path/to/pgsql with the real path.
  8. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    You could use the dotdeb or backports repositories in Debian Sarge:

    They contain PHP5 packages.
  9. tijn_tux

    tijn_tux New Member

  10. butching

    butching New Member

    when i try add --with-pgsql=/path/to/pgsql and chmod it and run i get an error maybe i did something
    wrong...this how i add the it.. is there anybody have an idea whats the correct one...:(

    ./configure --with-apxs=${INSTALL_ROOT}/httpd/bin/apxs --enable-track-vars --enable-sockets --enable-mbstring=all --with-config-file-path=${INSTALL_ROOT}/php --enable-ftp
    --prefix=${INSTALL_ROOT}/php ${WITH_OPENSSL} ${WITH_MYSQL} --disable-libxml --disable-dom --disable-xml ${WITH_ZLIB_DIR} --disable-xmlreader --disable-xmlwriter --disable-simplexml --without-pear || error "Could not configure PHP"
  11. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Please replace --with--pgsql=${INSTALL_ROOT}/pgsql with the real path where PostgreSQL is installed. ${INSTALL_ROOT} translates to /root/ispconfig, and PostgreSQL is not installed there!

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