Does anybody have an idea how to compile phpPgAdmin. i tried to update using the update manager in the ispconfig management and the installation was ok..but when i tried to access phpPgAdmin it get this kind of message.... Your PHP installation does not support PostgreSQL. You need to recompile PHP using the --with-pgsql configure option. Please bear with me im am a newbie in linux.. im using fedora core 5 thankS
Have you installed postgres database, postgres client plus the postgres devel packages before you installed ISPConfig?
how do i know if its already installed? how do i install this postgres database, postgres client and the postgres devel packages... can you help me please......
You can search for available PostgreSQL packages for Fedora Core 5 like this: Code: yum search postgresql
finished installing postgres database, postgres client, the postgres devel packages etc... how do i compile php?i recieved an error message saying Your PHP installation does not support PostgreSQL. You need to recompile PHP using the --with-pgsql configure option how do i compile my php?
Same here, did some small research, my situation is a little bit differen. Iam Using Debian Sarge (Stable) so PHP5 isnt in the reporsatories (or something like that) to use php with pgsql, you need to install the php5-pgsql wich isnt availeble. Is there any way to solve this? i.e using php4 for phppgadmin, or installing the php5-pgsql in stable? grtzt tijn
Do you have ISPConfig installed? If this question is related to ISPConfig: Edit install_ispconfig/compile_aps/compile and add --with-pgsql=/path/to/pgsql to the PHP configure string. Replace /path/to/pgsql with the real path.
You could use the dotdeb or backports repositories in Debian Sarge: They contain PHP5 packages.
This i regarding ISPconfig, sry wrong forum. See for more details.. iam stuck
when i try add --with-pgsql=/path/to/pgsql and chmod it and run i get an error maybe i did something wrong...this how i add the it.. is there anybody have an idea whats the correct one... ./configure --with-apxs=${INSTALL_ROOT}/httpd/bin/apxs --enable-track-vars --enable-sockets --enable-mbstring=all --with-config-file-path=${INSTALL_ROOT}/php --enable-ftp --with--pgsql=${INSTALL_ROOT}/pgsql --prefix=${INSTALL_ROOT}/php ${WITH_OPENSSL} ${WITH_MYSQL} --disable-libxml --disable-dom --disable-xml ${WITH_ZLIB_DIR} --disable-xmlreader --disable-xmlwriter --disable-simplexml --without-pear || error "Could not configure PHP"
Please replace --with--pgsql=${INSTALL_ROOT}/pgsql with the real path where PostgreSQL is installed. ${INSTALL_ROOT} translates to /root/ispconfig, and PostgreSQL is not installed there!