phpMyAdmin 3.2.2 package available for ISPConfig2

Discussion in 'General' started by Hans, Sep 15, 2009.

  1. Hans

    Hans Moderator Moderator

    On 13-09-2009 phpMyAdmin 3.2.2 has been released.
    This version pf phpMyAdmin is a bugfix-only release.

    Release information: (2009-09-13)
    - bug #2825293 [structure] Default value for a BIT column
    - bug [display] Red arrows were reversed in the list of tables
    - bug #2813879 [export] Duplicate empty lines when exporting without comments
    - bug #2825919 [export] Trigger export with database name
    - bug #2823996 [data] Cannot edit row with no PK and a BIT field
    - bug [export] Exporting results of a query which contains a LIMIT clause
    inside a subquery
    - bug #2837722 [export] Run complex SQL then export does not work
    - bug #2839548 [export] Triggers order on export
    - bug #2826986 [display] Order by BLOB and range display
    - bug [display] After clicking on Show Function or Function, the UPDATE query
    is not shown after execution
    - bug [structure] Missing validation for BINARY and VARBINARY

    Based on this version i've built a package for ISPConfig 2.
    The package can be downloaded here.
    Please also read the available readme file for upgrade/install instructions.

    Attached Files:

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