PHPMyAdmin login not working properly?

Discussion in 'ISPConfig 3 Priority Support' started by Ympker, Nov 8, 2017.

  1. Ympker

    Ympker New Member

    So I just logged in with a client account I created for test purposes. I created a database & user, assigned the database to the user and tried logging in at but when I enter the dtb user and his password I get "#1045 Die Anmeldung am MySQL-Server ist fehlgeschlagen" (Error #1045 login failed). What's the problem here? I re-created the dtb user several times to make sure pw is correct.
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Login with root user to phpmyadmin and check if the database and mysql user have been created.
  3. Ympker

    Ympker New Member

    Both exist. I've changed the dtb pw by logging in to ispconfig client dashboard just in case to see if it has any effect but it still doesn't work. Are mysql usernames some separated by a "_" or "-" by default? Like all of my dtb and dtb users of client 1 have the pre tag "c1" and then I can add smth like e.g. "test". So dtb and username would be c1test or c1_test or c1-test? I tried like c1test and this format didn't work :p
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The username is exactly as shown in ispconfig e.g. in the MySQL user list and by default, no separators like _ or - is used, so the username is probably c1test. As you verified it in phpmyadmin, then you should know it btw. ;)

    Try to set a new password for this user in phpmyadmin, does it work then?
    Ympker likes this.
  5. Ympker

    Ympker New Member

    Added a new user and dtb and oddly enough it works now. Strange...

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