When my customers go to PHPMyAdmin and try to edit a row from a table the changes they make aren't done. They can insert, delete fine. Even they type out the query themselfs. Yet PHPMyAdmin doesn't execute a mysql_query update. Anyone experienced this problem before? OS: Debian Etch 4.0 (K:2.6.18-4-486) VERSIONS: ISPConfig: 2.2.15 PHP: 5.2.0-8+etch7 PHPMyAdmin: 2.10.1 MySQL server: 5.0.32 (5.0.32-Debian_7etch1-log) MySQL client: 5.0.32 (Protocol 10) Besides this, keep up the good work, i really like ISPConfig. Thanks devteam and community.
Yes, Not even as root i can modify anything by PHPMyAdmin, UNLESS i type the query. So i can update just PHPMyAdmin isn't updating a field when you modify it using PHPMyAdmin.