phpmyadmin password hash

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by montezuma, May 3, 2006.

  1. montezuma

    montezuma New Member

    I've installed ISPConfig onto FC4 after upgrading MySQL and mysql-devel to 4.1.16 using a yum update. I appreciate that 4.1 uses a different password hash and therefore phpmyadmin won't set passwords correctly. Obviously I can set them correctly from the mysql prompt and by looking at the users table I can see that this does indeed change the password hash.

    In another post, Till says:

    How do I remove the old mysql-devel - do I need to? How exactly do I run the ISPConfig update?

    I suspect that this is going to become an increasing problem!
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Simply install the new mysql-devel, and the old one will be removed automatically.

    I don't think you have to update ISPConfig.
  3. montezuma

    montezuma New Member

    Many thanks for the reply, Falko. I installed mysql and mysql-devel 4v1 before installing ISPConfig. I couldn't understand why it would be necessary to delete the old libraries; thanks for the confirmation.

    phpmyadmin does not correctly derive the password hash, but the mysql command "set password for ...@... = password(pw)" issued from the mysql prompt does work correctly. What this suggests is that phpmyadmin is using a different hash generator to mysql 4v1, probably from an earlier version of mysql. How can I get it to use the right one?
  4. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Maybe you can specify it in the phpMyAdmin configuration?
    Otherwise I'd try to install a newer phpMyAdmin version.
  5. montezuma

    montezuma New Member

    OK, I now have an answer to this.

    1. It's necessary to recompile PHP with mysql and mysqli support - in fact, I used also the opportunity to install 5.1.4 since 5.1.3 (which is part of ISPConfig 2.2.2) is flawed.

    2. I didn't verify whether phpmyadmin 2.6.4 would support mysql 4v1 passwords via mysqli, but I did notice that full compatibility with PHP >5.1.2 required phpmyadmin >2.8.x therefore I upgraded to phpmyadmin, which works correctly.

    This was not easy, partly because from 2.8 phpmyadmin has a setup script which fails on Fedora! In the next installation script for ISPConfig I believe that support for mysql >4.1 should be considered (IE mysqli). As part of this, the downloadable package for phpmyadmin should be upgraded from the present 2.6.4.

    If there is general interest in documenting how to do the above in more detail, please let me know.
  6. evilyves

    evilyves New Member

    password hash mysql

    or only try this:

    grep old /etc/mysql/my.cnf

    when nothing comes up, write this in /etc/mysql/my.cnf




    /etc/init.d/mysql restart


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