phpMyprepaid & Freeradius config under Debian

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by Camomille, Mar 15, 2007.

  1. Camomille

    Camomille Member

    [Solved] phpMyprepaid & Freeradius config under Debian


    I am actually using phpMyprepaid 0.4 install/setup.php to configure the server and have some questions since Debian installs freeradius in "non standard" directories. I am using Debian Sarge 3.1

    Here are the phpMyprepaid setup fields:

    I thank you for your help, comments and advices.

    Greetings to all.

    Last edited: Mar 19, 2007
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    First you must make sure that you have RRDTOOL, radclient and all the other tools installed.
    Afterwards, you can search for them like this:
    locate snmpget
    which snmpget
    might help as well (if snmpget is installed in your PATH).
  3. Camomille

    Camomille Member

    Thank you Boss for your answer,

    RRDTOOL & snmp were not installed!
    Thanks to you, I found the correct path was the standard path!

    With a better sources.list, I finally could install PHP5 & Mysql5 today. I've been able to install Myprepaid 4.0 without error!

    I am still having following error after adding an Access point

    dns name:
    ip adress : 192.168......

    and clicking on its logo :

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function snmp_set_valueretrieval() 
    in /var/www/phpmyprepaid0.4/www/include/ap/snmp_default.php on line 12
    Thanks again for your answer.

    Nice weekend to all.

  4. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

  5. Camomille

    Camomille Member

    Good evening.

    Here is the output:

    php3-cgi-snmp - SNMP module for PHP3 (use with php3-cgi)
    php3-snmp - SNMP module for PHP3 (use with php3)
    php5-snmp - SNMP module for php5
    php4-snmp - SNMP module for php4
    Great thanks for the help !

  6. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Ok, if you have PHP5 on your system, then you must install php5-snmp:
    apt-get install php5-snmp
    Restart Apache afterwards.
  7. Camomille

    Camomille Member

    It works 100 % fine !

    Hi Falko,

    You found the solution !! No more error message when clicking on the AP logo.
    I should receive an other Buffalo WHR-G54S this monday and will make my first tests with AP connected . The great day :D

    I'm still at my first steps with Linux and still have lots ot things to learn. I really thank you for the precious help.

  8. natbigboss

    natbigboss New Member

    Hi Camomille, I'm trying to do the same thing, but I have more problems than you in doing my hot spot. Now I'm trying to use Debian etch 4.0 with FreeRadius, MySQL, Chillispot and PHPMyPrepaid. Using the file for users included in freeradius, authentication works fine. I've also tried using MySQL and also in this way radius works fine. Then I tried to install PHPMyprepaid: I have problems because when I do some tickets and users start to use service, they have timed account (for example 15 minutes) but when it finish, the can re-login and timer is reset (another 15 minutes). May you give me some information about you fully-functional system? For example, how do you install freeradius? From repository using apt or compiling --with-experimental-modules? What about software versions? Please... help me! Thanks!

  9. Camomille

    Camomille Member


    I'd really like to help you but I am not a great specialist ;)

    As I wanted fast visible results and had already spent so much time trying to install freeradius under Debian *** , I decided to install freeradius server on an other machine running suse 10.2.

    For your clients' login problem, have tryied playing with the "time to finish" option (it works when set on Yes) when creating or editing Billing plans ?

    Even if Debian remains my first and greatest linux love ,I am now testing Fedora Core 6 and plan to transfer there the complete freeradius & Mysql & phpMyprepaid system instead or running it on 2 different machines!

    *** Just an other way to say I'm lazy !!

    I hope you sort your problem and will keep an eye on this post ;)

    Have a nice week end.


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