Please help 2 Mailserver Setup

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by MAetti, Aug 17, 2023.

  1. MAetti

    MAetti New Member

    I want to set up Ubuntu 22 with ISPConfig Website and failover
    Server1 (mail1.domain.co_)
    Server2 (mail2.domain.co_)

    I have a website that is reachable with
    mail1.domain -> Server 1
    mail2.domain -> Server 2
    mail.domain > loadbalancer -> Server1 or Server2
    that works just fine, even with SSL

    Now to my problem, i want to have some mailboxes on Server 1 and others on Server 2

    DNS Setup/ External DNS
    mx1 = mail1.domain
    mx2 = mail2.domain

    Mail Setup / ISPConfig
    mail1.domain has Mailbox test1@domain and alias1@domain and forward1@domain to external address
    mail2.domain has Mailbox test2@domain and alias2@domain and forward2@domain to external address
    if a mail is received by mx1(mail1.domain) it will be put in the mailbox if present on that server or be forwarded to mail2.domain
    if a mail is received by mx2(mail1.domain) it will be put in the mailbox if present on that server or be forwarded to mail1.domain

    but i don't get how to use Relay domains, Relay Recipients and Email Routing to do this.

    i get ispconfig said: 550 5.4.0 Relaying denied or similar errors.

    please guide me in a direction to solve this...
    best regards Dennis
  2. Taleman

    Taleman Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

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