Please tell me there's a command

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by Lil'Brudder, Nov 1, 2005.

  1. Lil'Brudder

    Lil'Brudder New Member

    During the ISPConfig install, I got to this part of the installation:
    and accidentally misspelled the domain name and it failed lookup and quit the install...

    Notice how thats' 2 steps away from a COMPLETE install!!!

    Please tell me I don't have to delete the entire ISPConfig install and start from scratch...

    Is there a command or something where I can just start again from:
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    No, you have to do the installation again. Delete the install_ispconfig directory and /root/ispconfig and /home/admispconfig (if existing), and start over.
    Double-check the information you enter.
  3. Lil'Brudder

    Lil'Brudder New Member


    I was afraid of that. Thanks for the info falco.

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