can someone tell me exactly how csf firewall should be set for plesk (linux)??? I get this error when firewall is enabled (duplicated with apf and csf, tried both). Error goes away if firewall is disabled. Service is not available now, probably your Plesk is misconfigured. I have this: # Allow incoming TCP ports TCP_IN = "20,21,22,25,53,80,106,110,143,443,465,953,993,995,2855,8443" # Allow outgoing TCP ports TCP_OUT = "20,21,22,25,53,80,106,110,113,443,953,8443,9999" # Allow incoming UDP ports UDP_IN = "20,21,53,953" # Allow outgoing UDP ports # To allow outgoing traceroute add 33434:33523 to this list UDP_OUT = "20,21,53,113,123,953"
Maybe help this he have a complete out of the box csf support with block to country etc... All in a GUI integrate in Plesk with Monitoring