<?php function Pollvote() { $logins = explode("\n", $_POST['fakes']); $pid = $_POST['pid']; $pct = $_POST['pct']; $option = $_POST['option']; $comentario = $_POST['comentario']; $cmm = $_POST['cmm']; function curl($a,$b,$c,$d,$e){ $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt_array($ch, array( CURLOPT_URL => $a, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => $b, CURLOPT_COOKIE => $c, CURLOPT_HEADER => $d, CURLOPT_NOBODY => $d, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST => ($e)?"POST":"GET", CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => $e ) ); $g = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); return $g; } for($i=0;$i<count($logins);$i++){ $o = "http://www.orkut.com.br/"; $login = $logins[$i]; $login = explode(":",$login); $l = $login[0]; $l = trim($l); $p = $login[1]; $p = trim($p); $g = "https://www.google.com/accounts/ClientLogin?Email="; $r = curl($g."$l&Passwd=$p&skipvpage=true&service=orkut",1,0,0,null); preg_match_all("/Auth=(.*)/i",$r,$r); $auth=$r[1][0]; $r = curl($g."$l&Passwd=$p&skipvpage=true&service=orkut",1,0,0,null); preg_match_all("/Auth=(.*)/i",$r,$r); $auth=$r[1][0]; if($auth=$r[1][0]) { $r = curl($o."RedirLogin.aspx?auth=$auth",1,0,1,null); preg_match_all("/orkut_state=ORKUTPREF.*/i",$r,$r); $cookie=$r[0][0]; $r = curl($o."RedirLogin.aspx?auth=$auth",1,0,1,null); preg_match_all("/orkut_state=ORKUTPREF.*/i",$r,$r); $cookie=$r[0][0]; $r = curl($o."Scrapbook.aspx",1,$cookie,0,null); $pos = strpos($r, "Moved Temporarily"); preg_match_all("/value\=\"([^\"]{28,32})\"/i",$r,$r); $postsig="&POST_TOKEN=".$r[1][0]."&signature=".rawurlencode($r[1][1]); if ($pos === false) { ///////////////////////COPIAR ESSA PARTE PRA CADA COMUNIDADE. EDITE, INCLUSE, ESTE./////////////////////////// $PTSG = $postsig."&Action.join"; $r = curl("http://www.orkut.com/CommunityJoin.aspx?cmm=90065111",1,$cookie,1,$PTSG); ///////////////////////COPIAR ESSA PARTE PRA CADA COMUNIDADE. EDITE, INCLUSE, ESTE./////////////////////////// $j = $o."CommunityJoin.aspx?cmm=".$cmm; $PSTG = $postsig."&Action.join"; $r = curl($j,1,$cookie,1,$PSTG); $vote = $o."CommPollVote.aspx?cmm=".$cmm."&pid=".$pid."&pct=".$pct; $r = curl($vote,1,$cookie,1,$postsig."&option=".$option."&public_vote=1&Action.vote"); for($coment=0;$coment<1;$coment++){ $pool = $o."CommPollResults.aspx?cmm=".$cmm."&pid=".$pid."&pct=".$pct; $r = curl($pool,1,$cookie,1,$postsig."&postText=".$comentario." . &Action.submit"); $j = $o."CommunityunJoin.aspx?cmm=".$cmm; $PSTG = $postsig."&Action.unjoin"; $r = curl($j,1,$cookie,1,$PSTG); $PTSG = $postsig."&Action.join"; $r = curl("http://www.orkut.com/CommunityJoin.aspx?cmm=",1,$cookie,1,$PTSG); } print ('<br>'); print ('<center><b><font face="Comic Sans MS" size="2">'.$l.' </font>- <font color="black" face="Comic Sans MS" size="2">voted successfully --> KR ROXX \o/</b></font></center>'); } else{ print ('<center><b><font color="red" face="Comic Sans MS" size="2">'.$l.' - Fake dint worked</font></b></center>'); } } else{ print ('<center><b><font color="red" face="Comic Sans MS" size="2">'.$l.' - Fake dint worked</font></b></center>'); } ob_flush(); flush(); sleep(0); }; } if(isset($_POST['cmm'])){ Pollvote(); here comment will b posted which u will write in html page text box name comentario but all d time same comment will b posted i want differnt comment each time how can we can make it plz help me like by making loop etc or writing 15-15 diff comment in text box for 1 -1 comment will post thanx in advance
not sure if i understand the question but have you simply tried inserting the 'else if' statement? Like this } else{ print ('<center><b><font color="red" face="Comic Sans MS" size="2">'.$l.' - Fake dint worked</font></b></center>'); } } else if{ print ('<center><b><font color="red" face="Comic Sans MS" size="2">'.$l.' - Fake dint worked</font></b></center>'); } But I dont understand why these last to messages are the same in your script? Why do they say the same output?