pop3d issues

Discussion in 'General' started by collimic, Dec 22, 2010.

  1. collimic

    collimic New Member

    I have created a few new users in ispconfig they can use the webmail just fine. I have created the new users just like I have created all my users in ispconfig users. The problem is that they can get it via webmail but the server is not giving them any mail when logging in via an email client like outlook or eudora.

    There are no errors in the mail logs that I can find below is a sample of a test account I created for myself.

    This is taken from /var/log/mail.log
    Dec 22 14:26:52 server1 pop3d: LOGIN, user=web1_survey, ip=[::ffff:], port=[59068]
    Dec 22 14:26:52 server1 pop3d: LOGOUT, user=web1_survey, ip=[::ffff:], port=[59068], top=0, retr=10633, rcvd=32, sent=11063, time=0
    Any help would be great.
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    That sounds really strange. Are you sure you log into the same account when you use webmail and your email client?
    Does your email client show any errors?
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2010
  3. collimic

    collimic New Member

    I am sure. Nothing has changed that I can find. I create the users accounts via ispconfig set the password. Then I chech via webmail to make sure it works. Once it works I then check via outlook and it tells me that there is no new mail. I send it mail from a gmail account and then recheck with outlook. Still no new mail. Then if I log back in to webmail there is the message I just setup.

    I would be happy to create you an account so you can see the same thing. Or I could pm you the user name and password for the account that is not working so you can see for yourself.

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