Popup not disappear ISPConfig

Discussion in 'General' started by fabio lanubile, Dec 23, 2023.

  1. fabio lanubile

    fabio lanubile New Member

    Hi guys, i worked a lot with ispconfig some years ago, now i'm follow a small company.
    It have an ispconfig 3.1.15p3, before they used mail but now they would remove mail service so I would remove domain mail from ispconfig.
    But when i tried to delete a domain appaar the update popup but it doesn't disappear.
    This is the first scenario.

    So i tried to run /usr/local/ispconfig/server/server.sh and /usr/local/ispconfig/server/cron.sh manually but I received only "finished." It seeams ok.
    And I obviously tried to restart apache2

    I tried see on server:
    root@web1:/var/mail# du -ah -d 1
    28K ./web139
    12K ./web140
    8.0K ./web125
    34M ./root
    4.0K ./web127
    4.0K ./www-data
    34M .

    so I thought my previous sys colleague maybe manually deleted the mail folder, so maybe ispconfig when it tries to remove the email domain from the UI but can't find it and hangs, so how can I solve?
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    First, ISPConfig does not use popups, so I'm not sure what you mean. Maybe you can post a screenshot to show what you refer to.

    ISPcConfig 3 does not store email in /var/mail folder at all and also email accounts from ISPConfig are never named web + a number, only website users have folders named web + a number, but websites are not related to email in ISPConfig. So you seem to mix up several things there. Emails are in the folder:


    So you have to look into /var/vmail to see if the domain got removed or not. The folder /var/mail does not belong to ISPConfig, it contains mailboxes of local Linux system users, so what you see there is e.g. something if someone sent an email to root or any other local Linux users that exists in /etc/passwd.
  3. fabio lanubile

    fabio lanubile New Member

    Hi Till, thank you for your answer.

    I apologize for the confusion but I already checked with /var/vmail but the folder does not exist for this reason I thought that /var/mail belonged to ispconfig.
    Popup wasn't the right term but I didn't know what to call it, "red icon with number"

    '''root@web1:/home/script# ll /var/vmail
    ls: cannot access '/var/vmail': No such file or directory'''

    When I deleted the mail domain (I tried twice) the icon appeared and never disappears again.
    Below screenshot, do you have suggest?


  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Is this maybe a multiserver system? Check under system > server configuration. Is there just one server listed (one line) or multiple lines?
  5. fabio lanubile

    fabio lanubile New Member

    web and email are present in the server configuration.
    Maybe I should have deleted the mail from the server configuration first? I wish I didn't do this, it might be useful in the future.
    From server services I have two lines, web and mail, but mail is not active, so I thought mail was not active
  6. Taleman

    Taleman Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

  7. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    No, never manually edit the server config manually. Always use ISPConfig if this was created with ISPConfig. And you do not have any mail config on this server, the mail config is on the second server (the mail system).

    So you have two servers, this is a multiserver system consisting of 2 servers. If the mail server is offline, he can not process changes and therefore these changes remain in the job queue until the mail system is online again. This also explains why you get no further output from server.sh as you run server.sh on the web server and not the mail server and there are no pending changes for the web server, so nothing that needs to be processed.

    Yiu should check why the mail server is offline and switch it on again to process the changes. If you can not switch it on again, you'll have to manually clean up things in the ispconfig database as ISPConfig can not process the changes anymore when the server is missing that these changes are for.
  8. fabio lanubile

    fabio lanubile New Member


    I checked mail server's ip. You are right!
    Sorry, I just started following this company so I don't know the story and I took it for granted that email and web server were on the same vm. Probably I need remove from database, suggestions? Maybe an guide or other, I'm afraid to edit the database by hand

    Thank you for now:)
  9. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    So the second server does not exist anymore, or does it still exists but just not picks up the changes at the moment?
  10. fabio lanubile

    fabio lanubile New Member

    the second server does not exist anymore, I asked them, first they had two servers on another infrastructure, then they migrated only ispconfig with the web server and (migrated the mail) poweroff and "destroyed" the mail server.
    So I think the only option is to remove that icon by hand on mysql :(
  11. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    First, make a backup of the dbispconfig database e.g. by using phpmyadmin or the mysqldump command, just to be sure. Then delete the entry for the second server in the system > server services list.
  12. fabio lanubile

    fabio lanubile New Member

    in server -> service service OR server config -> server configuration?
    Ok for backup, if there are problem can I drop dbispconfig and restore my backup copy?

    BTW i will make in new year I would like to pass a good holiday, better an icon respect a serious problem :D
  13. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer


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