Port forwarding problem

Discussion in 'ISPConfig 3 Priority Support' started by Chowder, Mar 25, 2018.

  1. Chowder

    Chowder New Member

    I have a little problem saying that.
    On ip I installed ispconfig with nginx and on ip just xampp.

    The problem is the following: on isp config and xampp simple I have 2 sites that use ports 80 and 443 how can I do when I set a subdomain (the domain on ispconfig) to redirect me to the xampp server with the problem that I can only open a 80 in rooter port and it's open for the ip where ispconfig is
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    You'll probably have to use the apache or nginx proxy module then to proxy requests from the ISPConfig to the xampp server.
  3. Chowder

    Chowder New Member

    I should be clearer and maybe someone can help me.

    I installed isp config with nginx where I have the site server
    I created a subdomain support.example.com
    This subdomain I want to lead me to another computer that has ip where I have another hosted site

    Both use port 80
    How do i open for both port 80. In rooter I already opened for, for I will not let it open anymore or what should I do.
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The solution is to use a proxy as I mentioned in my post above. Edit the settings of the support.example.com website, on the redirect tab select rec´direct type 'proxy' and enter the IP of the target server in the redirect path field.

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