Possibilities for modules to interact with other modules

Discussion in 'Developers' Forum' started by theWeird, Oct 4, 2010.

  1. theWeird

    theWeird Member

    Hey there
    I'm thinking about to create a plugin to manage teamspeak servers for customers.
    But for this module I'd need to insert some fields on customer limitations and server configurations page.
    - Limit ts servers
    - Limit ts slots
    server config:
    - TS Portrange
    - Serveradmin Username / Password
    - TS Licence Zertificate
    - Special TS3-Ports (Query, File-Upload)

    Additional the module shall interact with Firewall and add the TS3 Special-ports and instance port for new servers to the firewall entry (if created)
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Starting with ispconfig 3.0.3, the ispconfig installer supports incremental database updates. So it does not cause any problems if you add custom fields to database tables. The main problem that you might have is that the html templates and form pages will get overwritten by an update.

    So the cleanest solution would be to upload your changes to ispconfig SVN in case that you plan to release these modifications as open source, so that the changes will get into one of the next releases of ispconfig.
  3. theWeird

    theWeird Member

    That's great.
    Yes, I plan to release the addon as open source.
    I'll ask for svn access or send a patch when the module is finished.
    But at first I'll have to read and understand the developer documentation and have to write my addon ;)

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