postfix always show UTC timestamp for outgoing messages

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by spunk, Jun 25, 2007.

  1. spunk

    spunk New Member

    I have installed ISPConfig in a CentOS 5 machine using the "Perfect Server" instructions.

    The Problem...
    I'm testing the email accounts that I've set up by sending emails to servers such as Yahoo and I see that the datestamp shows the UTC time when it arrives on the other side when I was expecting the local time.

    My initial setup...
    The server's BIOS clock was set to local time, then I defined the timezone (PST) during CentOS installation. I then configured ntp to keep the time sync'd. Everything seemed to be fine, 'date' reported the correct time and timezone, ntp is working great.

    Changes I've made to fix the problem...
    Change #1
    I changed the BIOS clock to UTC and updated CentOS to reflect that the BIOS clock is now UTC. The 'date' command shows the correct local time and timezone. Reboot the server.
    Result -> No effect, outgoing messages are still timestamped with UTC.

    Change #2
    Since I was sending emails using UebiMiau, I changed the timezone preference to GMT -7
    Result -> No effect

    Change #3
    I found the following article that seemed to be relevant...
    It recommends making a copy of localtime into the postfix directory.
    # cp -p /etc/localtime to /var/spool/postfix/etc/localtime
    I copied the file and then rebooted the server.
    Result -> Still no effect

    Can anyone suggest what I am missing?
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Does this also happen when you send to an email account that you can access with an email client? I think that maybe this has something to do with the email client (Yahoo webmail is also an email client).

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