postfix-cluebringer setup problem

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by Captain, Mar 25, 2014.

  1. Captain

    Captain Member


    I try to setup PolicyD v2 on my server based on Ubuntu 12.04 and ISPCOnfig 3 final.
    I can not find any tutorial how to setup it correctly.
    First I install it from apt. Configured DB and config file, deamon starts without errors, postfix also.
    I also setup quota limits, but it is not working, and I can not understand why?
    When I sending a test mails in policyd DB i see that session_tracking is working, but quota_tracking table is empty.

    Some one configured PolicyD deamon and policies?
    Can you help me in this question?
    If you know some links to HOWTO, it will be great.

    Thank you.
  2. srijan

    srijan New Member HowtoForge Supporter


    Please find a link for howto

  3. Captain

    Captain Member

    HEllo Srijan!
    Thank you for your fast answer. I read this thread.

    But I am use apt-get install postfix-cluebringer, apt-get install postfix-cluebringer-mysql
    from repository
    cluebringer is working and listen 10031 in netstat.
    webui also working, I can manage and configure.
    but quota-tracking do not track anything.
    Only session tracking working when I send email I see new row in DB of policyD.

    One thing that I do not do it is config for AmavisD, as I understand it is optional.

    May be there is a problem?
  4. srijan

    srijan New Member HowtoForge Supporter


    I will recommend to gofor AmavisD installation also.Please refer the above link again for Amavisd patches.

  5. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Amavisd is already integrated in the ispconfig setup, so I wont include it in cluebringer with the patches as this will cause emails to get scanned twice. by amavisd.
  6. Captain

    Captain Member

    This tutorial do not fit to installation from repository. This tutorial use different path, file name and so on, for example ( I have not amavisd.conf file in my system, have not also /usr/lib/policyd-2.0)

    May be you now another way to setup cluebringer (PolicyD) or may be you now other solution to limit email size for sending for different users. For example, [email protected] can send files 10MB, but [email protected] can send 5MB only.

    Thank you for your time.

    Waiting for answer.
  7. Captain

    Captain Member

    Thank you Till For your answer.

    What you can to advise me in this question? To use another policy?
    May be you know another one?

    Big thnks for your time.
  8. Captain

    Captain Member

    Problem solved.
    I forgot to proper configure main policies (ip, domain)
    Sorry for troubles.

    But I can understand how to create quota limit to block sending email more than 1MB. In PolicyD I can only configure this limit for some period for example 60 sec. I can send email 1MB one time after I have block for 60 sec. and can not send email less than 1 MB.

    How it works?

    Thank you.
  9. Clouseau

    Clouseau Member

    Why not use it without amavis? It can do greylisting, spf checks, rate limiting(quota), helo checks...
  10. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Thats what I suggested. It does not make sense to integrate amavis and cluebringer, they run fine side by side.
  11. Clouseau

    Clouseau Member

    Cool. I'm gonna try to integrate it now in postfix and I'll post a results and maybe a how to if its gonna work.
  12. Clouseau

    Clouseau Member

    I have installed it and configured it with help from this tutorial

    But I don't understand the greylisting section example at end
    Greylist Inbound Email
    Policy: Default Inbound policy
    Use Greylisting: No
    --the term authenticated triplets is reffered here, what are they?

    Disable Greylisting on authenticated inbound policy
    Policy: Default Inbound Policy (SASL)
    Use Greylisting: No
    -- the term authenticated triplets is reffered here and also an "authenticated inbound policy"

    In first, problably a typo, there should be "yes" at Use Greylisting. But what are authenticated triplets term that both of the examples are using? And what do they mean in the second example reffering to SASL?
  13. Clouseau

    Clouseau Member

  14. Clouseau

    Clouseau Member

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