Postfix email server migration

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by joel_griego, Jun 27, 2011.

  1. joel_griego

    joel_griego New Member

    Hi Guys,

    I would like to ask some questions about email migration. I use rsync to migrate the messages to a new server. My question is, Is there a way that I can migrate a postfix email server messages to new server without having the email client (POP3) to re-download again the messages from the beginning?

    Thanks in advance
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

  3. joel_griego

    joel_griego New Member

    Yes. Imapsync is good. But I require to know each users password. Is there any other way? Thanks.
  4. erosbk

    erosbk New Member

    Is not possible just dump the user database, and next copy all maildirs to the new server?
  5. joel_griego

    joel_griego New Member

    Yes it is possible. But the thing is, if you just transfer the messages via scp or rsync. The email clients will then redownload the messages from the very first email upto the latest. I wanted to avoid that issue without using imapsync. :-(

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