i am having issues with my mail server . most of the vitual domains seems to work perfectly . senfing and recieving go on quite well .. i have a fiew of them with this issue (sending works but recieving doesn't ) the sender email recieve a maildelevery error as follows ----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors ----- <my email@my virtualdomain.com> (reason: 554 host my virtualdomain.com[my ip address ] said: 554 5.7.1 <my email@my virtualdomain.com>: Relay access denied). honestly speaking i don't know anything about postfix and how to interpret the error . can anyone help my out . thanks i followed fedora 9 the perfect setup . everything worked out well during the setup . the only changes i have done so far on the server is adding fail2ban and a vncserver
thanks falko .. you put me on the right path .. i actually didn't know what you meant . so i figured out that maybe some of the virtual sites were badly configured . i looked through the vhost config files . and i realised that according to the date i created the domains they were all not working so i figured that i had made a mistake while doing them .. .. i completely delected them from the ISPconfig . and re- entered them once again . now everthing is working quite well with postfix ..