Postfix error: can't use email!! Please help.

Discussion in 'General' started by miguelpinheiro, Nov 16, 2008.

  1. Hi!
    I've installed ISPConfig on Ubuntu 8.04 desktop following the perfect server guide. By the way, I love it.
    Everything is working perfect except the email.
    A noticed a had on the /var/log/mail.err the following reports:

    postfix/qmgr[18663]: fatal: dict_open: unsupported dictionary type: mysql:  Is the postfix-mysql package installed?
    postfix/cleanup[18664]: fatal: dict_open: unsupported dictionary type: mysql:  Is the postfix-mysql package installed?
    So I installed postfix-mysql with apt-get command and restarted Postfix in ISPConfig.

    I still can't use the email. Now I get the following report in /var/log/mail.err:

    postfix/proxymap[19502]: fatal: dictionary mail_dict: macro processing error
    In /var/log/mail.log I get:

    Nov 16 02:34:05 ks32171 postfix/proxymap[20508]: warning: empty macro name: "$local_recipient_maps $#mydestination $#virtual_alias_maps $virtual_alias_domains $virtual_mailbox_maps $virtual_mailbox_domains $relay_recipient_maps $relay_domains $canonical_maps $sender_canonical_maps $recipient_canonical_maps $relocated_maps $transport_maps $mynetworks $virtual_mailbox_limit_maps"
    Nov 16 02:34:05 ks32171 postfix/proxymap[20508]: fatal: dictionary mail_dict: macro processing error
    Nov 16 02:34:06 ks32171 postfix/master[19070]: warning: process /usr/lib/postfix/proxymap pid 20508 exit status 1
    Nov 16 02:34:06 ks32171 postfix/master[19070]: warning: /usr/lib/postfix/proxymap: bad command startup -- throttling
    Nov 16 02:35:06 ks32171 postfix/proxymap[20578]: warning: inet_protocols: IPv6 support is disabled: Address family not supported by protocol
    Nov 16 02:35:06 ks32171 postfix/proxymap[20578]: warning: inet_protocols: configuring for IPv4 support only
    Nov 16 02:35:06 ks32171 postfix/proxymap[20578]: warning: empty macro name: "$local_recipient_maps $#mydestination $#virtual_alias_maps $virtual_alias_domains $virtual_mailbox_maps $virtual_mailbox_domains $relay_recipient_maps $relay_domains $canonical_maps $sender_canonical_maps $recipient_canonical_maps $relocated_maps $transport_maps $mynetworks $virtual_mailbox_limit_maps"
    Nov 16 02:35:06 ks32171 postfix/proxymap[20578]: fatal: dictionary mail_dict: macro processing error
    Nov 16 02:35:07 ks32171 postfix/master[19070]: warning: process /usr/lib/postfix/proxymap pid 20578 exit status 1
    Nov 16 02:35:07 ks32171 postfix/master[19070]: warning: /usr/lib/postfix/proxymap: bad command startup -- throttling
    Nov 16 02:36:07 ks32171 postfix/proxymap[20652]: warning: inet_protocols: IPv6 support is disabled: Address family not supported by protocol
    Nov 16 02:36:07 ks32171 postfix/proxymap[20652]: warning: inet_protocols: configuring for IPv4 support only
    Nov 16 02:36:07 ks32171 postfix/proxymap[20652]: warning: empty macro name: "$local_recipient_maps $#mydestination $#virtual_alias_maps $virtual_alias_domains $virtual_mailbox_maps $virtual_mailbox_domains $relay_recipient_maps $relay_domains $canonical_maps $sender_canonical_maps $recipient_canonical_maps $relocated_maps $transport_maps $mynetworks $virtual_mailbox_limit_maps"
    Nov 16 02:36:07 ks32171 postfix/proxymap[20652]: fatal: dictionary mail_dict: macro processing error
    Nov 16 02:36:08 ks32171 postfix/master[19070]: warning: process /usr/lib/postfix/proxymap pid 20652 exit status 1
    Nov 16 02:36:08 ks32171 postfix/master[19070]: warning: /usr/lib/postfix/proxymap: bad command startup -- throttling
    Nov 16 02:37:08 ks32171 postfix/proxymap[20717]: warning: inet_protocols: IPv6 support is disabled: Address family not supported by protocol
    Nov 16 02:37:08 ks32171 postfix/proxymap[20717]: warning: inet_protocols: configuring for IPv4 support only
    Nov 16 02:37:08 ks32171 postfix/proxymap[20717]: warning: empty macro name: "$local_recipient_maps $#mydestination $#virtual_alias_maps $virtual_alias_domains $virtual_mailbox_maps $virtual_mailbox_domains $relay_recipient_maps $relay_domains $canonical_maps $sender_canonical_maps $recipient_canonical_maps $relocated_maps $transport_maps $mynetworks $virtual_mailbox_limit_maps"
    Nov 16 02:37:08 ks32171 postfix/proxymap[20717]: fatal: dictionary mail_dict: macro processing error
    Nov 16 02:37:09 ks32171 postfix/master[19070]: warning: process /usr/lib/postfix/proxymap pid 20717 exit status 1
    Nov 16 02:37:09 ks32171 postfix/master[19070]: warning: /usr/lib/postfix/proxymap: bad command startup -- throttling
    Nov 16 02:38:09 ks32171 postfix/proxymap[20782]: warning: inet_protocols: IPv6 support is disabled: Address family not supported by protocol
    Nov 16 02:38:09 ks32171 postfix/proxymap[20782]: warning: inet_protocols: configuring for IPv4 support only
    Nov 16 02:38:09 ks32171 postfix/proxymap[20782]: warning: empty macro name: "$local_recipient_maps $#mydestination $#virtual_alias_maps $virtual_alias_domains $virtual_mailbox_maps $virtual_mailbox_domains $relay_recipient_maps $relay_domains $canonical_maps $sender_canonical_maps $recipient_canonical_maps $relocated_maps $transport_maps $mynetworks $virtual_mailbox_limit_maps"
    Nov 16 02:38:09 ks32171 postfix/proxymap[20782]: fatal: dictionary mail_dict: macro processing error
    Nov 16 02:38:10 ks32171 postfix/master[19070]: warning: process /usr/lib/postfix/proxymap pid 20782 exit status 1
    Nov 16 02:38:10 ks32171 postfix/master[19070]: warning: /usr/lib/postfix/proxymap: bad command startup -- throttling

    Can anyone please help me find the problem? I do not know how to go to to next steps on locating and solving the error.
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2008
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    You have syntax errors in the postfix file. Please post the content of the file, comments stripped.
  3. Killozap

    Killozap New Member

    I have installed a debian-ispconfig.system yesterday, and if my server creates such errors i will start a reinstallation, does not cost much of time, perhaps less time than finding the error...

    But others here may be able to see whats happening and give you a hint for a fast solution...
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The problem is that you configured your server for virtual mail users (with mysql) and then installed ispconfig 2. But ISPConfig 2 does not support virtual mail users. Please follow exactly the perfect setup giuide and then install ispconfig 2. Please be aware that ispconfig 2 and ispconfig 3 are incompatible, you can not install ispconfig 3 on a server configured as described in the perfect setup guide and ispconfig 2 will not work when you install ispconig 3 before.
  5. Thanks for the support till.
    I edited the file and removed the virtual mail users part from it. I check and the file is now exactly as it states in the perfect server article (ubuntu).

    Restarted IspConfigServer and postfix.

    Now I do not receive errors in mail.err and mail.log and I can access the email server doing a telnet xxx 25. Also I check the returning messages after putting EHLO command and everything matches the perfect server guide.

    Then I create an email user inside ISPConfig and went to test it with UebiMiau and I coudn't login (You cannot login with the username and password entered.).

    Here is my mail.log file:

    Nov 16 12:42:39 ks32171 postfix/smtpd[517]: warning: inet_protocols: IPv6 support is disabled: Address family not supported by protocol
    Nov 16 12:42:39 ks32171 postfix/smtpd[517]: warning: inet_protocols: configuring for IPv4 support only
    Nov 16 12:42:39 ks32171 postfix/proxymap[518]: warning: inet_protocols: IPv6 support is disabled: Address family not supported by protocol
    Nov 16 12:42:39 ks32171 postfix/proxymap[518]: warning: inet_protocols: configuring for IPv4 support only
    Nov 16 12:42:42 ks32171 postfix/smtpd[517]: connect from[]
    Nov 16 12:42:42 ks32171 postfix/anvil[519]: warning: inet_protocols: IPv6 support is disabled: Address family not supported by protocol
    Nov 16 12:42:42 ks32171 postfix/anvil[519]: warning: inet_protocols: configuring for IPv4 support only
    Nov 16 12:42:43 ks32171 postfix/trivial-rewrite[520]: warning: inet_protocols: IPv6 support is disabled: Address family not supported by protocol
    Nov 16 12:42:43 ks32171 postfix/trivial-rewrite[520]: warning: inet_protocols: configuring for IPv4 support only
    Nov 16 12:42:43 ks32171 postfix/smtpd[517]: warning: connect to mysql server Unknown database 'dbispconfig'
    Nov 16 12:42:43 ks32171 postfix/smtpd[517]: warning: mysql:/etc/postfix/ table lookup problem
    Nov 16 12:42:43 ks32171 postfix/smtpd[517]: NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from[]: 451 4.3.5 <[email protected]>: Recipient address rejected: Server configuration error; from=<[email protected]> to=<[email protected]> proto=SMTP helo=<>
    Nov 16 12:42:44 ks32171 postfix/smtpd[517]: lost connection after RCPT from[]
    Nov 16 12:42:44 ks32171 postfix/smtpd[517]: disconnect from[]
    Nov 16 12:43:53 ks32171 postfix[712]: warning: inet_protocols: IPv6 support is disabled: Address family not supported by protocol
    Nov 16 12:43:53 ks32171 postfix[712]: warning: inet_protocols: configuring for IPv4 support only
    Nov 16 12:43:53 ks32171 postfix/master[713]: warning: inet_protocols: IPv6 support is disabled: Address family not supported by protocol
    Nov 16 12:43:53 ks32171 postfix/master[713]: warning: inet_protocols: configuring for IPv4 support only
    Nov 16 12:43:53 ks32171 postfix/master[713]: warning: inet_protocols: IPv6 support is disabled: Address family not supported by protocol
    Nov 16 12:43:53 ks32171 postfix/master[713]: warning: inet_protocols: configuring for IPv4 support only
    Nov 16 12:43:53 ks32171 postfix/master[31831]: terminating on signal 15
    Nov 16 12:43:53 ks32171 postfix/master[715]: warning: inet_protocols: IPv6 support is disabled: Address family not supported by protocol
    Nov 16 12:43:53 ks32171 postfix/master[715]: warning: inet_protocols: configuring for IPv4 support only
    Nov 16 12:43:53 ks32171 postfix/master[715]: warning: inet_protocols: IPv6 support is disabled: Address family not supported by protocol
    Nov 16 12:43:53 ks32171 postfix/master[715]: warning: inet_protocols: configuring for IPv4 support only
    Nov 16 12:43:54 ks32171 postfix[772]: warning: inet_protocols: IPv6 support is disabled: Address family not supported by protocol
    Nov 16 12:43:54 ks32171 postfix[772]: warning: inet_protocols: configuring for IPv4 support only
    Nov 16 12:43:54 ks32171 postfix/master[773]: warning: inet_protocols: IPv6 support is disabled: Address family not supported by protocol
    Nov 16 12:43:54 ks32171 postfix/master[773]: warning: inet_protocols: configuring for IPv4 support only
    Nov 16 12:43:54 ks32171 postfix/master[773]: warning: inet_protocols: IPv6 support is disabled: Address family not supported by protocol
    Nov 16 12:43:54 ks32171 postfix/master[773]: warning: inet_protocols: configuring for IPv4 support only
    Nov 16 12:43:54 ks32171 postfix/master[792]: warning: inet_protocols: IPv6 support is disabled: Address family not supported by protocol
    Nov 16 12:43:54 ks32171 postfix/master[792]: warning: inet_protocols: configuring for IPv4 support only
    Nov 16 12:43:54 ks32171 postfix/master[792]: warning: inet_protocols: IPv6 support is disabled: Address family not supported by protocol
    Nov 16 12:43:54 ks32171 postfix/master[792]: warning: inet_protocols: configuring for IPv4 support only
    Nov 16 12:43:54 ks32171 postfix/master[792]: daemon started -- version 2.5.1, configuration /etc/postfix
    Nov 16 12:43:54 ks32171 postfix/pickup[793]: warning: inet_protocols: IPv6 support is disabled: Address family not supported by protocol
    Nov 16 12:43:54 ks32171 postfix/pickup[793]: warning: inet_protocols: configuring for IPv4 support only
    Nov 16 12:43:54 ks32171 postfix/qmgr[797]: warning: inet_protocols: IPv6 support is disabled: Address family not supported by protocol
    Nov 16 12:43:54 ks32171 postfix/qmgr[797]: warning: inet_protocols: configuring for IPv4 support only
    Nov 16 12:43:59 ks32171 freshclam[895]: freshclam daemon 0.94 (OS: linux-gnu, ARCH: i386, CPU: i686) 
    Nov 16 12:43:59 ks32171 freshclam[895]: ClamAV update process started at Sun Nov 16 12:43:59 2008 
    Nov 16 12:43:59 ks32171 freshclam[895]: SECURITY WARNING: NO SUPPORT FOR DIGITAL SIGNATURES 
    Nov 16 12:43:59 ks32171 freshclam[895]: See the FAQ at for an explanation. 
    Nov 16 12:43:59 ks32171 freshclam[895]: Your ClamAV installation is OUTDATED! 
    Nov 16 12:43:59 ks32171 freshclam[895]: Local version: 0.94 Recommended version: 0.94.1 
    Nov 16 12:43:59 ks32171 freshclam[895]: DON'T PANIC! Read 
    Nov 16 12:43:59 ks32171 freshclam[895]: main.cld is up to date (version: 49, sigs: 437972, f-level: 35, builder: sven) 
    Nov 16 12:43:59 ks32171 freshclam[895]: daily.cld is up to date (version: 8636, sigs: 26077, f-level: 35, builder: guitar) 
    Nov 16 12:43:59 ks32171 freshclam[895]: -------------------------------------- 
    Nov 16 12:49:45 ks32171 pop3d: Connection, ip=[::ffff:]
    Nov 16 12:49:45 ks32171 pop3d: LOGIN FAILED, user=miguel, ip=[::ffff:]
    Nov 16 12:49:50 ks32171 pop3d: Disconnected, ip=[::ffff:]
    Do I have to install Ispconfig 2 from the beginning? If so, what things do I have to remove in order to start the perfect server guide in Ubuntu? Just Ispconfig? Also apache and mysql?
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2008
  6. Hummm... I will start from a fresh Ubuntu instalation... I will update this topic with the results.
  7. I've finished a fresh installation of Ubuntu, followed the perfect server guide again and now I'm able to get into email.
    I have other problem wich I'll post in a new topic.
  8. Killozap

    Killozap New Member

    A new installation was the best you could do. the best for installation ist to use something like putty after the network and SSh runs, then you can copy most out of the howto... Copying out of Web-.pages is done by CTRL-C, paste in Putty by clicking right Mousebutton.
    I have an alias running

    alias vi = 'joe';

    and did install joe just before this by apt-get install joe

    This makes it possible to copy these vi-lones without using the (for my opinion) rubbish vi-editor. Others use mc for editing...

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