Postfix fails on shutdown

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by gregh, Jul 27, 2007.

  1. gregh

    gregh New Member

    I have done the install on Centos and fedora a few times but have the same problem on all. On shutdown it shows for postfix killall and postfix will fail on shutdown. I have installed with older Ispconfig in the past and have not had this fail error. Does anybody have this same problem. It seems that Ispconfig is working but on shutdown will always fail. I remove postfix and re-install and still the same. Thanks Greg
  2. lipiec

    lipiec New Member

    Give us some more information. Can you paste your logs?
  3. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    That's an old Fedora/CentOS problem. Postfix is always failing to stop when you shut down the system (this has nothing to do with ISPConfig). But you can ignore it because you're shutting down the system, so Postfix will be stopped anyway.

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