Postfix pemSSL with ISPConfig's OpenSSL

Discussion in 'General' started by khayjake, Apr 13, 2010.

  1. khayjake

    khayjake Member

    I think this is what has been frustrating me & my friend with SSL Certificate regeneration with OpenSSL.

    Possibly the instructs need to regenerate the postfix pem stuff.

    Mail is controlled by the .org site I originally installed ISPConfig 2 as the first site.

    I now want my mail to be controlled with the domain with the same name but a different domain because it's a .net extension. Not the .org extension.

    In short, my mail is controlled by web1 which is & i want it to be controlled by a later added name which is without messing things up.

    I'm using debian lenny upgraded from etch, ispconfig 2, postfix & courier, as well as roundcube.

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