
Discussion in 'Suggest HOWTO' started by the_g_bomb, Aug 3, 2007.

  1. the_g_bomb

    the_g_bomb New Member

    I would love to see a howto on setting up PostPath collaboration server and linking it with an Active Directory Server.

    PostPath can be downloaded for free for up to 12 Users from:

    And an 180 trial of Windows Server 2003 can be obtained from:

    I hope that mentioning windows here isn't illegal but without a fully fledged replacement that I can play with, unfortunately my work aren't going to go anywhere else, at least if I can prove that PostPath is a viable alternative to Exchange then I might make some headway away from Windows.

  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    No, it's ok to mention it. :)
  3. the_g_bomb

    the_g_bomb New Member

    Just for the record I'm not 100% set on Post-Path any decent exchange type collaboration server would do. All I need is shared calenders and an IMAP account really.

    Open-Xchange looks quite good as well, but I would take it on advisement.

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