Posts to Mailman list bouncing- User unknown

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by scientist, Mar 6, 2013.

  1. scientist

    scientist New Member

    I installed ISPConfig, with Apache, Postfix, Dovecot on a CentOS-flavor system.

    I made the language correction and disabled CGI with domains I am testing for Mailman use.

    I can send and receive emails externally and int5ernally with SquirrelMail. I can create Mailman lists from the ISPConfig interface. I can add subscribers through the web and they receive email confirmation requests from [email protected].

    If I click the link, the subscriber is added. However, if I reply, the email is sent back with a permanent fail. I also get a permanent fail if I try to post, using the [email protected] and list prefix in the subject line. I've tried setting up with non-subdomains as well (

    I get this error in my maillog:


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