Postsuper Stackdump & Freezing Machine

Discussion in 'General' started by adamluz, Jun 8, 2006.

  1. adamluz

    adamluz New Member

    The last 3 mornings when i come in to work, there is a stackdump message on the screen saying it was caused by postsuper with a bunch of numbers. How would I get postsuper to stop causing the machine to freeze? Is there a way to not use postsuper and use something else? Maybe I need to update something?

    Thanks in advance
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Do you run any special cronjobs that use postsuper?

    Are there any updates for postfix available for your linux distribution?
  3. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Also make sure your server isn't abused by spammers. Maybe it is an open relay...
  4. adamluz

    adamluz New Member

    I think that was it because you looked at my config in another forum for different reasons :). So I have fixed that to limit to Hope that works.

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