Hello I've installed PowerDNS on a Virtual Machine and on another I've installed his recursor but when I uncommented the recursor configuration in pdns.conf, the DNS didn't work. My network is in IPv6-only, and I'm also trying to have an access on the website from a customer computer connected in PPPoE (IPv6 + DNS), but the DNS failed (DNS request time out with nslookup) DNS => fd01:1:1:120::53 DNS Recursor => fd01:1:1:120::54 Website => fd01:1:1:120::81 pdns.conf Code: daemon = yes distributor-threads = 3 do-ipv6-additional-processing=yes guardian = yes launch = mysql local-address= local-ipv6= fd01:1:1:120::53 local-port=53 module-dir=/usr/lib/powerdns query-cache-ttl=300 recursive-cache-ttl = 150 recursor= fd01:1:1:120::54:5400 setuid=pdns recursor.conf Code: aaaa-additional-processing=yes allow-from= ::/0 local-address=fd01:1:1:120::54 local-port=5400 query-local-address6= fd01:1:1:120::54 Thanks. Best regards.