Hello with all What it is, this error : "Premature end of script headers" Because I have prob with repertories cgi-bin of each site, pourrier you to say itself, as I must make there to correct this problem. Yours sincerely MM
Can you explain me exactly Hello Can you explain me exactly, this sentence, because I nothing includes/understands, so that you says, because on the server that I have to create, one will launch lodgings, is that would be a pity which scripts cgi, does not function? Well with you MM
Windows and unix have different linebreaks. In Linux the linebreak is "\n", in Windows the linebreak is "\r\n" if you express it in a notation used by comon programming languages. If you have edited a CGI script on a windows computer with e.g. notepad, you will have to convert the linebreaks to unix linebreaks when you upload the file with FTP or SCP to your server.