Primary and Secondary nameserver move

Discussion in 'Technical' started by martinfst, Jan 13, 2007.

  1. martinfst

    martinfst Member Moderator

    Could use some "think with me advise" which may result in some kind of howto ..... I couldn't find a complete / appropriate howto with Google, so let's use these forums to be the 1st.

    I have a current server, which runs Bind9 on ns0 and ns1 for my maindomain. These ns0 and n1 nameservers are also responsible (authoritative) for several other domains and they have separate, individual IP addresses.

    I want to move to a new server, with new IP addresses and I want to move the authorative ns0 and ns1 to this new server. Objective is to get rid of the current server in the future, after the move. These ns0 and ns1 are known in the tld (Netherlands) registry.

    I cannot move all domains / websites in one action to the new servers, so I have to do that step by step. Another complicating factor is that there are sub-domains/websites which also cannot be moved at the same moment as the primary domain.

    So the steps I have in mind are:
    1. Define on the new server (with ISPConfig), all the old domains / host names, pointing to the current server. I do this with the DNS Manager of ISPConfig, "New Master". I will not add domains with "New Site" functionality.
    2. Change the IP address of ns1 on the current server to point to the new server
    3. Wait for at least 72 hours to make sure the change to ns1 has been propagated
    4. Verify at the tld name servers and my own name servers the correct resolving of ns1
    5. Check on the new server (with dig @ns1) all the existing domains and hosts are resolved to the old server IP addresses, to ensure all websites stay online
    6. Change on both servers the IP address of ns0 to resolve to the new server
    7. Again wait at least 72 hours to allow propagation of the ns0 IP address
    8. Check if both ns0 and ns1 (and therefor non-specified queries) will result in proper resolving of the existing domain names to the old server. Also, requesting webpages in a browser should result in sites being served by the webserver on the old/current hardware. This should complete the transition of the Bind aka nameservers.
    Next step is to migrate the sites. That should done like
    1. Create a Customer + site with ISPconfig
    2. Transfer the data, setup databases, modify rewrite rules, etc
    3. Create a codomain on the new IP address and test the site
    4. Remove the old IP address from the "DNS Manager"
    5. Place a redirect directive on the old server for this specific (sub-)domain
    6. Test if the site resolves to the new server
    7. Remove the co-domain

    I'm pretty sure there are some holes in the above plan. I'd be very grateful if another prying eye points me to the obvious. :cool:
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    The plan sounds good, I think it will work. :)

    If you also want to move the mailboxes to the new server, please run
    postconf -e 'relayhost ='
    /etc/init.d/postfix restart
    on the old server to make it forward all emails that still arrive on the old server to the new server.
  3. martinfst

    martinfst Member Moderator

    The old servers run Exim as a 'bonus' of DirectAdmin :(
    But the relayhost idea is interesting. I can do that with Exim. :D
  4. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Sorry, relayhost wasn't right. It /etc/postfix/transport:

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